C81. I Care About You.

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Chapter 81

As perspiration trickled down her skin, Yunzhu was still not fully awake from her daze, and the deep, steady rhythm of Cao Xun's breathing filled her ears.

Having spent multiple sleepless nights, Cao Xun had finally drifted off to sleep.

Nevertheless, he continued to hold Yunzhu close, one hand under her neck serving as a makeshift pillow, while the other secured her waist.

Such intimacy was better suited for cooler weather; in the summer, it caused Yunzhu to perspire copiously.

Wanting to free herself from his embrace, Yunzhu attempted to move, but the man's arms around her waist tightened, drawing her closer to him.

Had it not been for the dark circles under his eyes and the languidness of his breath, Yunzhu might have assumed he was feigning slumber.

With no alternative, Yunzhu resigned herself to spending the night at his side.


Cao Xun returned home in the afternoon and slept until midnight, the darkness of the outside world greeting him as he awoke.

The inner room was shrouded in darkness. Upon opening his eyes, he found himself in close proximity to warm, velvety skin, with her soft, rhythmic breaths caressing his shoulders and neck.

Cao Xun pulled her closer, his arms enfolding her.

Yunzhu was roused by his action, but before she could object, his slender, strong hand gently lifted her face, and he kissed her once more. This time, he seemed to have no intention of restraint.

In a panic, Yunzhu reminded him, "It's a time of national mourning!"

At her words, his strength wavered, and he lay beside her, turning her to face him so that she lay completely ensconced in his embrace as he had done countless times before.

Cao Xun's shoulders were broad, his muscles strong, providing a comfortable, narrow refuge for his petite wife.

Yunzhu had once adored this closeness. Who wouldn't cherish a powerful husband?


Cao Xun suddenly grasped her shoulder, trailing his hand along her long hair. "You've grown thinner since I left Beijing," he observed.

Yunzhu remained silent.

As he smoothed her hair, he murmured, "He's only twelve or thirteen. It's natural for him to harbor such unsightly thoughts."

"You've been accustomed to adulation since childhood. Everyone around you supports you. I, on the other hand, have taunted you. It's only fair for you to reproach me."

"I promised to arrange for your brother's training elsewhere, but when the palace recalled him to the capital, I did nothing. I witnessed Mr. Gu's family leaving the capital, and you are disappointed in me, believing I am indifferent to your concerns."

"You no longer trust me to protect you or find a way to do so. You'd rather face it alone than confide in me."

"What foolproof plan do you have? It will only lead to your suffering or, worse, your demise alongside him."

Yunzhu remained motionless, tears silently welling up and tracing their path across her face, falling onto his chest.

As expected, he was privy to things even her family did not dare to think.

Yunzhu struggled to hold back her tears and conceal any signs of vulnerability in front of him. She had borne these agonies in silence for too long, and the wounds were best left unspoken. Yet when he broached the subject, it was as if he had punctured a hole in her heart, triggering a rush of grievances and sorrows, leaving behind a trail of painful voids.

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