The Unholy Grail

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The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, in Alastor's room, the radio demon carefully eats another dead deer.

Alastor: (calmly) Ah, nothing better than eating my favorite food to start the day.

Suddenly, Alastor is interrupted by a loud sound from elsewhere in the hotel.

Alastor: (annoyed) Spoke too soon.

Alastor reluctantly leaves his room and walks down the stairs to the lodge area to see the Hazbin crew talking.

Alastor: (calmly) What's with all the noise? You know I don't like being interrupted during my breakfast.

Husk: (calmly) Nothing much, just the fact that Valentino is dead.

Alastor: (realizing) Valentino, the Overlord Valentino?

Angel Dust: (excited) That's right, now he's gone. My contract is down the drain.

Alastor: (calmly) What splendid news.

Vaggie: (annoyed) You're only saying that because Valentino was one of the Vees.

Alastor: (calmly) That is only one reason, my dear, but this does call for a celebration.

Cherri Bomb: (excited) You bet it does, drinks on me.

Husk: (calmly) You know I could just serve you guys drinks, right?

Charlie: (calmly) Well, I think this is great news for you, Angel. Now you have more chances of being redeemed faster.

Angel Dust: (nervously) That's good, I guess.

Alastor: (calmly) Just out of pure curiosity, how did our least favorite overlord die?

Angel Dust: (calmly) Nobody knows, but all I can say is good riddance.

Alastor: (calmly) Good riddance indeed.


Meanwhile, up above in heaven, in a dark room.

Sir Pentious: (laughing) YES, I've done it, my greatest invention yet.

Suddenly, Emily bursts into the room, lighting the only dark area up.

Emily: (curious) What are you doing?

Sir Pentious: (determined) I'm glad you asked. Behold, my greatest achievement yet. With this device, I will be able to contact my friends in hell.

Emily: (realizing) You mean like Charlie and Vaggie?

Sir Pentious: (determined) Why, of course, my angel friend.

Emily: (excited) That's wonderful news. Imagine their reaction when they find out souls can be redeemed.

Sir Pentious: (excited) I know, and best of all-

Voice: (sternly) That's enough.

Suddenly, a beam of light flashes in front of the angel and the snake, revealing Sera.

Sera: (calmly) I'm sorry, Emily, but I cannot let the information that a soul can be redeemed get out. The result could be dangerous.

Emily: (annoyed) So I just have to live knowing all souls can get a second chance, but you won't let them so they can get exterminated?

Sera: (calmly) The exterminations have been put on hold. Gabriel is back and taking command under orders from the Lord himself. He warned me that he has plans for you if you continue your questioning.

Emily: (realizing) Is that a threat?

Sera: (calmly) I'm sorry, Emily, but this is a matter beyond my control.

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