Last Laugh

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A few days later, in a limo, Lucifer sits excitedly along with Charlie and Emily.

Lucifer: (excited) Alright, my daughters, who's ready for a day of adventure with Hell's greatest dad?

Charlie: (excited) We are, Dad!

Lucifer: (excited) Good... because this cost me a lot to do.

Emily: (curiously) What's the occasion, Dad?

Lucifer: (grinning) Just a little surprise to show my appreciation for my wonderful daughters.

Charlie: (grinning) Dad, you didn't have to do this.

Lucifer: (playfully) But I wanted to! Now, buckle up, ladies. We're off to the greatest amusement park in Hell!

Emily: (excited) Yay, to think this is my first time bonding with my dad... since you know... I was born without you knowing I existed, and I was forced to become a seraphim angel... I'm glad that's over and done with.

Charlie: (confused) Wait, Emily, what about Odette... I thought you're meant to be watching her twenty-four seven since you know... she's on suicide watch?

Emily: (calmly) Don't worry, while I'm with you two, Clara is watching over Odette. Clara is her older sister, remember... well, only by a year, though. I'm sure they're fine.


Meanwhile, at the Hazbin Hotel...

Odette: (annoyed) I can't believe I agreed to this.

Odette sighs in her chair, looking at the mirror without her glasses on, as Clara puts makeup on her face.

Clara: (encouragingly) Come on, Odette, just a little makeup, and you'll feel like a whole new demon!

Odette: (grumbling) I still don't see why I have to do this. It's not like anyone cares what I look like anyway.

Clara: (smirking) Oh, please, Odette. You're going to knock 'em dead. Especially Emily. Plus, it's good practice for when eventually you and Emily get married, and Emily becomes the queen, ruling over the pride ring with you at her side. Who knows, maybe with some of Emily's good old magic, you two could have a child.

Odette: (sighing) I highly doubt that'll ever happen. Presides Emily losed her powers, remember?

Clara: (playfully) Hey, a little confidence goes a long way! Now, hold still.


Meanwhile, back at the limo...

Lucifer: (cheerfully) So, girls, what ride are we hitting up first?

Charlie: (excitedly) How about the Hellfire Drop? I remember Vaggie and I having a blast with that.

Emily: (enthusiastically) Sounds good to me! Let's do it!

Lucifer: (grinning) Hellfire Drop it is! Hold on tight, ladies!


A few hours later, at Lu Lu World, the three Morningstars stroll through the amusement park, laughing and enjoying their time together.

Lucifer: (jovially) What a fantastic day this has been! I haven't had this much fun in ages.

Charlie: (smiling) Thanks for bringing us here, Dad. It means a lot.

Emily: (grinning) Yeah, this has been amazing. I can't believe I'm actually bonding with my dad.

Lucifer: (proudly) Well, you two are my daughters, and I want nothing but the best for you. Plus, spending time together like this is priceless.

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