Preparing For The Brides

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As the big day dawns, chaos ensues in Lucifer's mansion as everyone scrambles to prepare the final details for Charlie and Vaggie's wedding. Niffty zips around, making sure every surface shines, while Clara double-checks the seating arrangements, ensuring that every guest has a place. Excited for the moment when Emily asks out her younger sister.

Emily flutters around, ensuring everything is in its right place, while Angel Dust tries to calm her nerves.

Angel Dust: (frantically) Em, darling, breathe. It's all gonna be fine. We've got this.

Emily: (panicked) I know, I know, but what if something goes wrong? What if Charlie doesn't like the flowers? Or the music? Or-

Angel Dust: (reassuringly) Hey, relax. Charlie loves you, and that's all that matters. Trust me, everything's gonna be perfect. You seem a bit stressed. What's the matter, nervous about asking out Miss Scientist?

Emily: (blushing) Well... Wait, how do you know?

Angel Dust: (smirking) Oh, come on. It's written all over your face whenever she's around. Plus, I may or may not have overheard your little chat with Clara about her yesterday.

Emily: (embarrassed) Oh, really? I didn't realize it was that obvious.

Angel Dust: (grinning) Well, it's cute, really. You two would make a great pair.

Emily: (sighing) I hope so. She's just so... intelligent and kind. I don't want to mess it up.

Angel Dust: (calmly) Hey, you've got this. Just be yourself, and I'm sure she'll say yes. And if not, well... I think my jaw would actually drop off.

Emily: (blushing) Thanks...

As the former seraphim angel and former adult star talk, Lilith in the shadows watches in pure disgust as Alastor approaches his master.

Alastor: (nervously) You seem uncomfortable, your highness.

Lilith: (annoyed) Sera should have killed that brat when she had the chance, but no, she had to raise her as her own, such idiotic thinking. Now, I have to deal with two powerful fairy god girls.

Alastor: (nervously) It'll be a delightful challenge, my queen.

Suddenly, Lilith's eye glows orange as she summons her leach on Alastor and pulls him forward.

Lilith: (menacingly) Don't you dare patronize me, Alastor. This is no game. We have a problem, and if we don't handle it swiftly, it could unravel everything I've worked for.

Alastor: (nervously) Of course, my queen.


Meanwhile, upstairs, in Charlie's childhood bedroom, Lucifer delicately adjusts the veil over Charlie's radiant smile, his eyes shimmering with pride.

Lucifer: (excited) You look absolutely stunning, Charlie. Vaggie is going to be speechless.

Charlie: (excited) Thank you, Dad. I just can't believe this day is finally here.

Lucifer: (chuckling) Time flies, doesn't it? It feels like just yesterday you were causing mischief in the corridors of Hell.

Charlie: (grinning) Some things never change.

Lucifer: (proudly) Indeed. Now, are you ready to take this next step with Vaggie?

Charlie: (nodding) More than ready. I love her more than anything.

Lucifer: (emotionally) And she loves you just as much. Remember, no matter what challenges come your way, you two can overcome them together.

Charlie: (tearfully) I will, Dad. Thank you for believing in me.

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