Angels Vs Robots

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The revelation hits Emily like a ton of bricks, her mind reeling with disbelief. She struggles to process the shocking news, her thoughts racing as she tries to make sense of it all.

Emily: (stunned) What... What do you mean I'm a Morningstar?

Odette: (grimly) The DNA test results... they showed a match to Charlie's DNA. You share the same genetic markers, Emily. You're related to her... you're a Morningstar.



Katie Killjoy: (calmly) I'm Katie Killjoy, breaking news from Imp City, where chaos has erupted as a group of unidentified individuals, believed to be associated with the infamous Professor Cog, are causing destruction and mayhem in the streets. Here's Tom Trench at Imp City.


Tom Trench: (calmly) Thank you, Killjoy. I'm here at Imp City, where the situation is rapidly escalating. The perpetrators, believed to be under the command of Professor Cog, are wreaking havoc and leaving destruction in their wake. In fact, I have one right here, so sir, why are you and your mates blowing up buildings?

Grinder Commander: (coldly) We are here to locate the Grimoire book to access the living world. Also, it's fun to kill people.

Tom Trench: (awkwardly) Ok, another question... if Professor Cog wants to go to Earth so badly... wouldn't it be easy to just steal some Asmodean Crystals from the king of the lust?

Grinder Commander: (coldly) Asmodean... what now?


Meanwhile, back at the Hazbin Hotel, chaos ensues as news of the attack in Imp City reaches the residents. As they gather in the lobby... Angel Dust takes it well.

Angel Dust: (angrily) YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING ME, how many times do we have to kill that guy for him to die.

Vaggie: (annoyed) If things couldn't get any worse.

Charlie: (determined) We can't just sit here while Professor Cog and his grinders wreak havoc in Imp City. We have to do something.

Lucifer: (resolutely) You're right. We can't let him terrorize the living world. Trust me, it would not end well, although why the hell the Grimoire is doing in Imp city is the bigger question.

Cherri Bomb: (eagerly) So, what's the plan? You know I'm always ready for a fight.

Charlie: (firmly) Okay, here's what we'll do...

Unaware to the Hazbin crew...

They aren't the only people who want to rip some robot faces off.


Meanwhile, in Imp City, Professor Cog and his grinders continue their onslaught as they make their way through the streets, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Suddenly, a few grinders are shot to death in front of the Professor.

Professor Cog: (shocked) NO MY PLAN!

Professor Cog looks up as a group of villains walk towards him in a line.

Professor Cog: (confused) What Is going on, Angels?

Professor Cog: (confused) What Is going on, Angels?

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