The Roots Of Evil

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As the group takes in their surroundings, they realize they are indeed in the Garden of Eden, the birthplace of humanity.

Vaggie: (surprised) I can't believe it... We're actually here.

Emily: (amazed) It's so beautiful... But why would He bring us here?

Lucifer: (grimly) Because this is where it all began... and where our journey ends.

Charlie's mind races as he tries to come up with a plan to escape their predicament.

Charlie: (determined) We need to find a way to break out of this chest and get back to Hell before it's too late.

Odette: (worriedly) But how? This place is unlike anything we've ever encountered before.

Lucifer: (defeated) There's no point trying to find a way out. I know the Lord; trust me, there is no way of escaping.

Charlie: (insistently) We can't just sit here and accept our fate Dad. There has to be a way to break free from this prison.

Lucifer: (horrified) Charlie, don't you understand, this is GOD we're dealing with. Adam, Gabriel, Jesus, all of them. Sure, we either killed or defeated them, but they are nothing compared to him. He isn't some bad guy we can just stab and call it a day. We've lost, and there's nothing we can do to stop him.

Vaggie: (annoyed) So what, we just give up, let God kill all our friends and force his dictatorship for the rest of eternity?

Lucifer: (defeated) That's the only thing we can do.

Odette: (whispering) Clara... Mother... I'm so sorry.

Emily: (determined) No, we can't give up. There must be something we can do, some way to fight back.

Lucifer: (defeated) Emily, please... just don't. You'll only make things worse for yourself.

Emily: (frustrated) Only because you're my dad doesn't mean you can tell me what I can do.

Vaggie: (shocked) Wait... you know you're a Morningstar, AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?

Emily: (nervously) Well... I-

Odette: (interrupting) Emily has known for about two weeks. She just didn't want to tell you.

Charlie: (shocked) Emily...

Emily: (apologetically) I'm sorry, Charlie. I was scared of how you would react, especially after Husk's death. I just... didn't want to make things worse.

Lucifer: (shocked) Emily...

Charlie: (softly) Emily, I wish you had trusted us enough to tell us sooner. We're a team, and we need to stick together, especially in times like these.

Emily: (regretfully) I know, Charlie. I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I was just so scared.

Vaggie steps forward, placing a comforting hand on Emily's shoulder.

Vaggie: (supportively) It's okay, Emily. I know how you feel.

Emily: (calmly) So what now, it's not like we'll be escaping anytime soon.

Lucifer: (defeated) Now... we get used to our new home.


Meanwhile, at the Hazbin Hotel, the rest of the Hazbin crew gather in the lobby, unaware of their friends' situation.

Niffty: (confused) Has anyone seen Charlie or Vaggie? I can't find them anywhere!

Angel Dust: (concerned) No, we haven't seen them. But something tells me they're not just off on a leisurely stroll.

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