Trauma Before The Storm

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The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, the group gather in the lodge for more activities.

Charlie: (excited) Okay, guys, so I have news on mine and Vaggie's wedding.

Husk: (calmly) What about it?

Vaggie: (calmly) It's happening in a month.

Angel Dust: (shocked) What? The proposal was only a few days ago. Don't these things take a year or so to plan?

Charlie: (laughs) Normally, yes, but we're not exactly your typical couple. Plus, with everything going on in Hell, we figured, why wait?

Clara: (nodding) Makes sense. So, what's the plan?

Charlie: (excitedly) Well, we've booked a venue, ordered the cake, and sent out invitations. All that's left is to get our outfits and finalize the decorations.

Angel Dust: (impressed) Wow, you two work fast.

Suddenly, Niffty jumps on top of Vaggie's head.

Niffty: (excited) And I'm the flower girl!

Charlie: (confused) Wait, what?

Vaggie: (awkwardly) I forgot to tell you... Kinda made a deal with Niffty during our heist that if she helped me out with the proposal, she gets to be the flower girl.


A few minutes later, Emily sits at a table, deep in thought, when Odette approaches her.

Odette: (quietly) Emily, can we talk?

Emily looks up, surprised by Odette's sudden willingness to talk.

Emily: (gently) Of course, Odette. What's on your mind?

Odette: (hesitantly) I... I want to thank you for helping me. I've been so lost and afraid, but you've been there for me, and I appreciate it.

Emily: (softly) You don't have to thank me, Odette. I care about you, and I just want to see you happy.

Odette: (quietly) I haven't been happy in so long... But being here with you and everyone else, it's starting to feel like maybe I can be again.

Emily reaches out and gently squeezes Odette's hand, offering her a reassuring smile.

Emily: (comforting) You deserve to be happy, Odette. And I'm going to do everything I can to help you get there.

Odette smiles gratefully at Emily as the two walk upstairs, while Angel Dust watches from the sofa before turning back to the others.

Angel Dust: (confused) So, are we not gonna talk about the fact that those two have become best friends in under a week?

Husk: (nonchalantly) Eh, let 'em be. Everyone needs someone to lean on in this crazy place.

Charlie: (optimistically) Exactly. It's nice to see Odette opening up and making connections, especially with Emily.

Angel Dust: (concerned) Yeah, but it's a bit... suspicious.

Clara: (concerned) What do you mean by suspicious?

Angel Dust: (concerned) Listen, Clara, it's just odd. Your sister, who's been on mute, suddenly opens up to Emily.

Clara: (annoyed) Emily made the first move of befriending my sister. What's your point here?

Husk: (annoyed) Isn't it obvious? He thinks Odette is your mother's secret little spy girl.

Clara: (shocked) What?

Angel Dust: (defensively) Hey, I'm just saying, it wouldn't be the first time something shady went down in Hell.

Clara: (defensively) That's absurd! Odette has been through enough without baseless accusations.

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