War Against The Stars

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In the hills of the Pride Ring, Creepox's and Lute's duel begins, the two clashing blades before moving away from each other.

Creepox: (mockingly) You really are a bold one if you think you can defeat me.

Lute: (determined) You're one to talk, bug face.


Meanwhile, in the city, Malkor fights against the group of Hazbin residents led by Carmilla.

Admiral Malkor, empowered by Vrak's potions effects, unleashes his full might upon Carmilla and the others. The atmosphere becomes tense with desperation. With each strike, he easily knocks down his opponents one by one, his strength seemingly unmatched.

Carmilla, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, and Husk fight valiantly, but they are no match for Malkor's overwhelming power. Despite their combined efforts, they struggle to even land a single blow on him as he effortlessly evades their attacks.

One by one, they fall to Malkor's onslaught, their bodies bruised and battered from the relentless assault. Carmilla, the last one standing, refuses to give up.

But even her determination is not enough to overcome Malkor's newfound strength. With a swift motion, he delivers a powerful blow that sends Carmilla crashing to the ground, defeated, leaving only the radio demon himself.

Alastor: (calmly) Time for a little rematch.

Malkor: (mockingly) I easily defeated you once, I can do it again.

Alastor smirks wickedly as he unleashes an onslaught of black tentacles at Malkor, and the Warstar Angel attempts to cut them apart until one sends him flying into a wall.

Alastor: (calmly) Did you really think you could outsmart me twice? No one out bests the Radio Demon.

Malkor rises from the impact, a sinister grin spreading across his face. As his enemies get back up to try to fight him again.

Malkor: (calmly) I believe it is the likes of all of you who outsmarted.

Carmilla: (sternly) What are you talking about?

Malkor's face turns to Carmilla, a wicked chuckle coming out of his mouth.

Malkor: (mockingly) I hope you said your goodbyes to Odette and Clara because that will be the last time you will ever see them alive.

As Carmilla's eyes widen in horror at Malkor's words, her expression shifts from shock to rage.

Carmilla: (fiercely) You monster! What have you done with my daughters?!

Malkor: (smirking) Oh, they're quite safe... for now. But not for long.


Meanwhile, at the Hazbin Hotel, with quick labor, Emily and the Carmine sisters are able to build a semi-good looking cannon blaster thing.

Odette: (calmly) All we need to do now is to see if this works.

Clara: (determined) Allow me.

Clara picks up the blaster with both hands and prepares to fire on a target dummy.

As Clara aims the blaster at the target dummy, Odette and Emily watch anxiously, waiting to see if their creation will function as intended. With a deep breath, Clara pulls the trigger, and a burst of energy shoots out from the cannon, hitting the target dead center, and making it explode as Niffty quickly puts out any fire.

Odette: (calmly) It worked!

Emily: (relieved) That's amazing! With this, we might actually stand a chance against Gabriel and his allies.

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