Dear Little Star

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In Carmilla's office, Carmilla sits with Zestial, looking out a window as one of Carmilla's daughters, Clara, enters the room.

Zestial: (calmly) Clara, glad to see you again.

Clara: (defeated) Yeah, it's been quite a day.

Carmilla: (calmly) Clara dear, please sit down.

Clara obeys, sitting in her chair.

Carmilla: (concerned) How's your sister holding up?

Clara: (nervously) To be honest, Mom, I don't know. Odette has been in her room since she got back after... well, I already told you.

Carmilla: (concerned) Yes, you did. I wish I could say everything would be okay, but something like this isn't something a person can brush over, especially people your and Odette's age. Unfortunately, Odette isn't as strong as you, both physically and mentally.

Zestial: (calmly) You cannot change what happened, whatever it was.

Clara: (nervously) Mom didn't tell you?

Carmilla: (calmly) Clara-

Zestial: (interrupting) It's fine, Carmilla. Knowing what I already know, it's easy to picture a stretch of what happened.

Clara: (nervously) What if Odette never gets over this, Mom?

Carmilla: (concerned) You don't mean that, Clara.

Clara: (nervously) I'm serious. It might be easy for you two to say, but how can Odette get over the nightmare of killi-

Carmilla: (snapping) That's enough, Clara.

As the mother and daughter talk, Zestial notices a beaming light coming from the sky heading towards the city.

Zestial: (concerned) Carmilla, I think you need to see this.

Carmilla gets out of her seat, only to see the same beaming light crashing down.


Meanwhile, in the Hazbin Hotel...

Lucifer: (evilly) Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the coolest invention this side of hell has ever seen... the indestructible RUBBER DUCK.

Angel Dust: (annoyed) Seriously? You've been isolated for decades, and your best creation is a duck?

Niffty: (annoyed) Yeah, and I thought you were a bad boy.

Charlie: (excited) Well, I think it's great, Dad.

Lucifer: (excited) Thank you, Charlie. At least SOMEONE likes my hobbies.

As the group talks, Alastor senses the presence of the beaming heading towards hell.

Alastor quietly turns into shadows and disappears to investigate.



Katie Killjoy: (calmly) I'm Katie Killjoy.

Tom Trench: (nervously) And I'm Tom Trench, reporting on the newest news.

Katie Killjoy: (calmly) A beaming light has been seen flying down from above. Where did it come from? What does it mean? Find out soon. Now, on the update of the rumored cancellation of the next and all future annual exterminations.


The beaming light itself, after five minutes, eventually crashes into an abandoned building, causing it to explode into pieces as it shines through the wreckage, and Alastor reappears from the shadows.

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