An Eye For A Friend

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The next day, in the early morning, in Odette's room, the two friends sit up on the bed.

Emily: (grateful) Thanks for letting me sleep here, Odette. I don't think I would have gotten any sleep if not for you.

Odette: (calmly) No need to thank me; you're my best friend, after all.

Emily: (excited) You bet.

Emily cuddles up to Odette as if she were her daughter, until the door is opened by an unexpected visitor.

Carmilla: (calmly) Odette, I--

Carmilla stops at the sight of her daughter with Emily in bed.

Emily: (awkwardly) Hi...

Odette: (nervously) Mother, it's not what it looks like.

Carmilla: (calmly) It's fine, Odette. Besides, I'm aware you two are just friends.

Odette: (nervously) What are you doing here?

Carmilla: (calmly) I heard about Gabriel and his goons. I'm here to ensure you and Clara don't get in harm's way. I just came to see you, just to tell you.

Odette: (confused) Wait, how did you get in the room? The door was locked.

Carmilla: (calmly) Lucifer gave me a key to yours and Clara's rooms.

Odette: (calmly) I see.

Carmilla nods before turning to leave the room, but not before giving her daughter and her friend one last reassuring smile.

Carmilla: (calmly) Take care, you two. And remember, if anything happens, don't hesitate to call for me.

With that, Carmilla exits the room, leaving Odette and Emily alone once more.

Emily: (impressed) Your mom seems nice.

Odette: (smiling) Yeah, she has her moments.


Elsewhere in the Pride Ring, a storm rains upon the streets as Lute and Velvette walk down the streets, Lute holding an umbrella.

Lute: (annoyed) Remind me why we're out here in the rain.

Velvette: (calmly) Listen, I need to pick up something important today. It's necessary for... reasons.

Lute: (grumbling) Fine, but I better not catch a cold because of this.

As Velvette giggles, Lute rolls her eyes, until the next thing they know, they are blasted straight into a warehouse, falling onto the floor.

Velvette: (shocked) What the hell was that?!

They scramble to their feet, looking around the dimly lit warehouse for any signs of life, until they spot a familiar foe blasting a wave of red energy at them.

Lute quickly grabs Velvette and pulls her onto the floor as the blaze flies past them.

Lute looks up as the Warstar Lieutenant stands in front of them.

Lute: (angrily) You...

Creepox: (determined) Miss me, you Exorcist traitor?

Velvette turns to Lute.

Velvette: (confused) Lute, how the hell does this guy know you're an Exorcist?

Creepox: (mockingly) So you haven't been told. Well, might as well tell you since your friends at the Hazbin Hotel figured it out. Allow me to introduce myself properly. I'm the angel Creepox, one of two Lieutenants of the Hell Annihilation Experimental Division of Heaven Warstar, aka your replacement. And now, I shall prove myself by eliminating both of you.

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