The God Complex

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At the Hazbin Hotel, in Charlie and Vaggie's room, Charlie paces up and down while Vaggie watches from their bed.

Charlie: (determined) Okay, Charlie, today is the day you and your dad tell Emily she's a Morningstar. What could possibly go wrong?

Vaggie: (calmly) Babe, relax. It's Emily. She's the most innocent woman in Hell. She doesn't even know a single proper detail on how to have sex. I'm sure she won't freak out... much.

Charlie stops pacing and looks at Vaggie with a mixture of amusement and concern.

Charlie: (nervously) I hope you're right, Vaggie. But still, this is a huge bombshell to drop on her. I just hope she can handle it.

Vaggie: (supportively) She's stronger than you think, Charlie. And she has Odette by her side. They'll figure it out together.

Charlie nods, feeling a bit reassured by Vaggie's words.

Charlie: (determined) You're right. We can't keep hiding this from her. It's time for Emily to know the truth.

Vaggie: (nodding) Agreed. Let's go get your dad and find Emily and Odette to have this conversation.


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Emily stands preparing breakfast for her and Odette, humming a cheerful tune as she cracks eggs into a bowl while Odette watches from the bar.

Odette: (concerned) Are you sure you don't need help with that, Emily?

Emily: (smiling) Oh, I've got this, Odette. Cooking is one of the few things I'm actually good at.

Odette chuckles, impressed by Emily's confidence as she continues to watch her work.

Odette: (professionally) Well, you certainly seem to know your way around the kitchen. I can't wait to taste whatever you come up with.

Emily beams at the compliment, feeling a sense of pride swell within her.

Emily: (gratefully) Thanks, Odette. I'm glad you're excited. I just hope it turns out as good as it smells.


Meanwhile, up in Heaven, in Jesus's throne room, the prince sits on his throne as Alice stands in front of him.

Jesus: (annoyed) So... Lucifer knows that the abomination is his daughter, the armada is nowhere near complete, Lilith is gone, and you have the nerve... TO ASK ME TO MARRY YOU?

Alice: (flirtatiously) Oh, please, my love, you know you want to.

Jesus: (angrily) I knew I shouldn't have had Cupid executed.

Suddenly, the two are interrupted by John, who rushes into the room.

John: (concerned) I'm sorry to interrupt... whatever you're doing, boss, but I'm detecting powerful energy levels approaching the throne room.

Jesus: (concerned) What?

Suddenly, the front doors of the throne room creak open as smoke billows through, and the three angels turn to look, realizing what is going on.

John: (concerned) Boss...

Jesus: (realizing) Oh no.

Alice: (realizing) It can't be. Is he really here?

As the doors creak open and smoke billows through, tension fills the room, and Jesus and Alice exchange worried glances. As the smoke engulfs most of the room, the big man himself steps forward.

Jesus: (nervously) Father...

Jesus: (nervously) Father

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