High Rock Showdown

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At the quarry, Sergeant Tread steps forward, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he eyes Charlie with malicious intent.

Sergeant Tread: (tauntingly) Looks like we've got ourselves some fresh meat, courtesy of the Queen herself.

Professor Cog regards Lilith with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his mechanical limbs whirring as he assesses the situation.

Professor Cog: (stoically) What is the meaning of this intrusion, your highness?

Lilith: (impatiently) Your plan is working excellently so far. Those Hazbin fools are coming soon; prepare the army.

Sergeant Tread: (determined) As you command.

Charlie: (horrified) Mum, you're behind all this.

Lilith: (mockingly) Oh, Charlie, how foolish you are, just how I raised you, perhaps a bit too naive?

Charlie: (confused) I don't understand.

Lilith: (smirking) Of course you don't, dear. But your little dreams end today; heaven wanted me to slowly manipulate you to play the long game, but I prefer not to waste my time on a mistake like you, so I'm gonna use force to shut your pathetic hotel down and kill anyone who gets in my way of my paradise, including you.

Charlie's expression shifts from confusion to disbelief, her heart sinking as she realizes the extent of her mother's betrayal.

Charlie: (horrified) You... you would destroy everything I've worked for? my friends, my family... all for your own selfish desires?

Lilith: (smirking) Oh, my dear sweet Charlie. You were always too soft, too naive to see the bigger picture. But don't worry, I'll make sure you're taken care of... once you're out of the way. Speaking of, I have another surprise for you, Alastor.

Suddenly, to Charlie's horror, Alastor teleports onto the scene from the shadows, the feeling of yet another betrayal twisting her heart in well... heartbreak.

Lilith: (calmly) Alastor, dear, it seems our little princess needs to be reminded of who holds the power in Hell.

Alastor's grin widens as he steps closer to Charlie, his presence looming over her like a dark shadow.

Alastor: (calmly) Oh, how the mighty have fallen. It seems your little hotel has become quite the nuisance, Charlie. But fear not, for I, the one and only Radio Demon, am here to ensure that your downfall is nothing short of spectacular.

Charlie: (shocked) Alastor... you've been working for my mum this whole time?

Alastor's grin widens, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight as he revels in Charlie's distress.

Alastor: (calmly) My dear Charlie, you and your hotel were nothing more than a means to an end for the queen. And now that end is finally within reach...

For your mother, that is.

Charlie, Lilith, Velvette, Lute, Sergeant Tread, and Professor Cog: (shocked) WHAT...

Suddenly, Alastor turns around and, without hesitation, uses his magic to blast Lilith and her goons away as Lilith quickly gets up.

Lilith: (angrily) You FOOL, you honestly think you can turn your back on ME, I own you.

Alastor: (calmly) Oh, really?

Lilith attempts to summon her leash on Alastor... only for nothing to happen.

Alastor chuckles darkly, his eyes glowing with amusement as Lilith's failed attempt at control becomes evident.

Alastor: (smirking) My dear Lilith, it appears the tables have turned. You may have once held strings over me, but those days are long gone.

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