A Real Battle Trap

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At the Hazbin Hotel, Vaggie finally wakes up, still weakened from almost dying to Gabriel. She opens her eyes to see Charlie next to her, fast asleep, as Lucifer enters the room.

Lucifer: (surprised) Oh, Vaggie, you're awake.

Vaggie: (struggling) What happened?

Lucifer: (awkwardly) Gabriel happened.

Vaggie: (struggling) Oh, right. I remember. What happened to Charlie?

Lucifer: (nervously) There's no easy way to say this, but... Charlie can no longer stand with both feet... because one of them is no longer attached to her body.

Vaggie's eyes widen in shock and concern as Lucifer delivers the news about Charlie's injury.

Vaggie: (horrified) Charlie...

Vaggie shifts slightly, wincing at her own injuries.

Vaggie: (grimacing) And what about the others? Did they get hurt?

Lucifer's expression darkens as he recounts the injuries.

Lucifer: (somberly) Angel Dust lost an arm, Cherri Bomb has a scar across her eye, Husk is covered in burns... It's been a rough few days for all of us. I suggest you just take it easy, let the rest of us deal with Gabriel and his science nerds.

Vaggie nods, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

Vaggie: (softly) Thank you, Lucifer. I'll do what I can to help, even if it's just staying out of the way for now.

Lucifer nods in understanding, placing a comforting hand on Vaggie's shoulder before turning to leave the room.

Lucifer: (gentle) Rest up, Vaggie. We'll get through this together.

As Lucifer exits, Vaggie turns her attention back to Charlie and kisses her on the forehead.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the crew gathers in the lodge as Carmilla explains the plan.

Carmilla: (sternly) According to the information you have given me, we are dealing with the angel Gabriel along with two other high-ranking angels. They seem to have powers topping as one of the most dangerous Hell has ever faced, and it's most likely that they're gonna come back and finish the job.

Angel Dust: (weakly) So what do you want us to do? One of those guys literally cut off my arm that Mr. Egghead over here tries to keep stitching back on. How can we stand a chance?

Carmilla: (sternly) We don't, not without the right firepower. Those two angels immediately came not long after Gabriel had to retreat after injuries. It's not hard to see they came down to ensure you lot didn't have enough time to come up with a plan to fight back, and by weakening some of you, they've done exactly that.

Cherri Bomb: (annoyed) Weakening us is a massive understatement.

Clara: (curious) So what's the plan, Mom?

Carmilla: (determined) The plan is that we play their game. It's no doubt they'll be coming down any minute now, so we give them a taste of their medicine. Some of us will distract them, which will give Odette enough time to design and build some sort of weapon to destroy Gabriel once and for all.

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Why does Odette get to build the weapon? No offense, but I've built some of the most powerful weapons in Hell.

Angel Dust: (annoyed) Considering the last time you used a weapon against a high-ranking angel, I can see Carmilla's point.

Carmilla: (firmly) Exactly. Odette's expertise lies in understanding celestial technology, which we'll need to counter Gabriel's powers effectively. Sir Pentious, your skills will be invaluable in providing distractions and keeping the angels occupied while Odette works her magic along with the others.

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