Love To Hate

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The next day at the Hazbin Hotel, Odette wakes up with a banging headache, finding a few empty bottles on her bedside table.

Odette reaches for her glasses and puts them on, realizing she is still in her suit from yesterday.

As Odette sits up, her head throbbing with each movement, memories of the previous night flood back to her in fragments. She remembers rejecting Emily, Clara's accusation, her own confession, and the blood on her hands.

She groans, trying to clear the fog in her mind. Despite the pain and discomfort, she knows she can't stay in bed all day. With a sigh, she pushes herself to her feet, feeling unsteady as she stands.

Meanwhile, in another part of the hotel, Emily sits alone in her room, staring blankly at the wall. Her conversation with Odette replays in her mind, each word a painful reminder of her unrequited feelings.

Emily: (sighing) What do I do now?

She feels lost and unsure of how to move forward, her heart heavy with disappointment and sadness. But deep down, she knows she can't dwell on what could have been forever.

Suddenly, a knock on her door interrupts her thoughts, and she calls out for the person to enter. The door opens, revealing Charlie standing there with a sympathetic smile on her face.

Charlie: (gently) Hey, Emily. How are you feeling?

Emily forces a smile, trying to mask the pain she's feeling inside.

Emily: (softly) I'm okay, Charlie. Just trying to... figure things out.

Charlie walks into the room and sits down beside Emily.

Charlie: (sympathetically) I know it's not easy, Emily. But you're strong, and you'll get through this. And remember, you're not alone. We're all here for you.

Emily nods, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of her emotions.

Emily: (gratefully) Thanks, Charlie. I appreciate it.

Charlie: (kindly) Anytime, Emily. Now, how about we go grab some breakfast? A good meal might help lift your spirits.

Emily smiles weakly, grateful for Charlie's support.

Emily: (gratefully) That sounds nice, Charlie. Let's go.

A few minutes later, Emily joins the married couple for breakfast.

Emily: (curiously) So, how is it like to be married?

Vaggie: (smiling) It's... surreal, to be honest. But in the best way possible. Knowing that we've made this commitment to each other, it just feels... right.

Charlie: (nodding) Yeah, exactly. It's like a whole new chapter of our lives has begun, and I couldn't be happier to share it with Vaggie.

Emily smiles warmly, happy to see her friends so content and in love.

Emily: (sincerely) I'm really happy for you both. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world.

Vaggie: (gratefully) Thank you, Emily. That means a lot to us.

Charlie: (smiling) Yeah, it really does. And hey, whenever you're ready, we'll be here to help you plan your own wedding.

Emily's smile widens at the offer, feeling a glimmer of hope for her own future. As the memory of Odette rejecting her starts replaying in her mind.

Emily: (nervously) Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Charlie. But I'll keep that in mind.

As they talk, Odette, now in her lab coat, enters the dining area, her right hand on her forehead as she tries to regain a professional composure.

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