Yellow Dusts Of Trauma

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New York City, 22nd January 1946...

Anthony and Molly walk down the street at night. It was quiet... too quiet.

Anthony: (calmly) So, sis, any plans?

Molly: (playfully) Maybe I do, but why should I tell you? Family always got to have its secrets.

Anthony look away for a moment. Molly was the only one in the family unaware of their involvement in the mafia. She was the only one who hadn't taken drugs or gone to the clubs. She was so innocent, like an angel.

As they strolled down the dimly lit streets, Anthony's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. He knew Molly's innocence was a facade, shielding her from the harsh realities of their family's underworld dealings. Yet, he couldn't help but admire her purity, untouched by the darkness that consumed their family.

Anthony: (hesitantly) Molly, there's something I need to tell you...

Molly stops, turning to face her brother, sensing the seriousness in his tone.

Molly: (concerned) What is it, Anthony? You know you can tell me anything.

Before Anthony could utter another word, the tranquillity of the night was shattered by the sound of a gunshot. Instinctively, he pushes Molly behind him, shielding her from the danger as the two thugs advance towards them, their intentions menacingly clear.

Anthony: (desperately) MOLLY, RUN!

The night air filled with tension as Anthony instinctively moves to protect his sister. Molly's eyes widen in shock as she realized the danger they are e in. Without hesitation, she grabs Anthony's hand and started running, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline.

The two siblings dart down alleys and side streets, the sound of their pursuers close behind them. Anthony's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan to evade their attackers and keep Molly safe.

A few minutes later, they outrun the thugs. They turned a corner, only for...


Molly widened her eyes as she looks down, blood spilling from her stomach as she falls to the ground, with Anthony by her side.

Anthony's heart sinks as he watches his sister fall, her lifeblood staining the pavement beneath her. Panic gripps him as he kneels by her side, desperately trying to stem the bleeding.

Anthony: (frantically) Molly, stay with me! Don't you dare leave me!

Molly's breathing becomes shallow as she struggles to stay conscious, her gaze flickering between her brother's face and the dark sky above.

Molly: (weakly) Anthony... I... I'm sorry...

Tears well up in Anthony's eyes as he realizes the gravity of the situation. His sister, his innocent Molly, caught in the crossfire of their dangerous world.

Anthony: (frantically) No, no, no... Molly, stay with me! Please, don't leave me!

Molly weakly reaches out to touch her brother's face, her breaths shallow and laboured.

Molly: (struggling) Anthony... I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't know...

Tears blurred Anthony's vision as he holds onto his sister, feeling her slipping away from him.

Anthony: (choked up) Shh... Don't talk. Just hold on, Molly. Help will come, I promise.

Not long after, Molly closes her eyes as she dies in Anthony's arms. He looks up to see a figure in the night.

Yellzor: (angrily) This is your last chance, whore. You and your family have until this Saturday to give us the money, or you'll be wishing I shot you too.

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