Trouble Downtown

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The next day, Alastor walks down the street before entering an alleyway and stepping into an elevator that leads him to the meeting place of the overlords. He comes face to face with Rosie.

Alastor: (calmly) Rosie, how are your cannibals doing with all those dead Exorcists?

Rosie: (calmly) Oh Alastor, let's just say we're halfway through eating them all.

The two overlords, along with the others (aside from the Vees), enter, although Alastor quickly notices the absence of Carmilla's daughters.

Carmilla: (calmly) Thank you all for coming here. Unfortunately, you all know by now Valentino is dead, so Vox and Velvet will be absent from all meetings moving forward. We ate gathered here to discuss the mysterious object that crashed yesterday, I'm hoping at least one of you has any knowledge of what it was.

The overlords look at each other confused, except for Alastor.

Alastor: (calmly) I know what it was.

Carmilla: (surprised) Then please, would you care to tell us, Alastor?

Alastor: (calmly) Oh, it was nothing much. Just some injured seraphim angel and a redeemed soul.

The overlords look at Alastor in confusion and shock.

Zestial: (calmly) What do you mean by "redeemed soul"?

Alastor: (calmly) Isn't it obvious? Turns out Lucifer's daughter's hotel works after all.

Carmilla and Zestial look at each other as the other overlords gasp.

Carmilla: (calmly) Do you know any other information?

Alastor: (calmly) Nothing important aside from what I've already said.

Carmilla: (calmly) This certainly changes everything, but this can also prove dangerous. We'll discuss this privately. As for everyone else, this meeting is over.

The other overlords leave the table and head out.

Zeezi: (calmly) Is it just me, or are these meetings getting shorter?


Meanwhile, at the Hazbin Hotel, Emily opens her eyes, trying to focus them. Her vision is blurry, like she was hit by a bomb, only to remember the previous day.

Lute: (in Emily's head) At least now I can have the proper satisfaction of killing a traitorous angel like you.

Emily, a bit panicked, leans herself up before feeling a surge of something she had never felt before: pain. Not metaphorical pain like she felt when she discovered the exterminations, but physical pain.

Emily looks down, seeing her left arm and wing bandaged. It was pretty obvious what happened: Lute had shot her. She remembers herself bleeding heavily before falling unconscious. But the real question on her mind was simple: Where is she?

Downstairs, the Hazbin crew sits in the living room to acknowledge Sir Pentious transforming into an angel after being incinerated into ash by Adam.

Angel Dust: (calmly) So, where are your wings?

Sir Pentious: (awkwardly) Well, I... I guess I didn't get any.

Husk: (calmly) So, how was your time in paradise?

Sir Pentious: (annoyed) Are you really asking me that? It would be fine if not for the fact that place is the definition of a dictatorship.

Charlie: (defeated) Well, it's good to know the hotel works. Shame Heaven isn't as holy as first thought.

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