The Wicked Queen Of Hell

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Charlie: (shocked) Mom...

As Charlie stands there in shock, her mother, Lilith, smiles softly at her daughter.

Lilith: (tenderly) Hello, sweetheart. It's been too long.

Charlie's emotions whirl as she takes in the sight of her mother standing before her after so many years apart.

Charlie: (emotionally) Mom, I can't believe you're here.

Charlie rushes forward and throws her arms around Lilith, hugging her tightly as tears fill her eyes.

Charlie: (tearfully) I've missed you so much, Mom.

Lilith returns the embrace, holding her daughter close as they share a tender moment together.

Lilith: (lovingly) I've missed you too, Charlie. But I'm here now, and I promise I won't leave you again.

Charlie pulls back slightly, looking up at her mother with a mixture of joy and disbelief.

Charlie: (hopefully) Does this mean... you're back for good?

Lilith smiles warmly at her daughter, her eyes shimmering with emotion.

Lilith: (assuringly) Yes, sweetheart. I'm back for good. Nothing will ever separate us again.

As the mother and daughter share a heartfelt moment, Lucifer approaches, his expression a mix of shock and anger.

Lucifer: (tentatively) Lilith... I never thought I'd see you again.

Lilith turns to face her estranged husband, her gaze steady but filled with unresolved emotions.

Lilith: (sternly) Lucifer... there's much we need to talk about.

Lucifer: (sternly) I know.

Charlie looks between her parents, sensing the unspoken tension lingering in the air.

Charlie: (softly) Mom, Dad... I know there's a lot of unspoken history between you two. I'll just let you two talk it out.

Charlie awkwardly leaves the room, leaving her divorced parents to "talk it out."

Lilith: (calmly) Now--

Lucifer: (interrupting) Cut the crap, Lilith. If you think you can just roll back into our daughter's life after seven years to do whatever wicked cruel plan and break Charlie's heart so you can go back to your little beach in the sky, well think again.

Lilith: (defensively) Lucifer, you don't know the whole story. I didn't leave to hurt Charlie or you. I had my reasons, and I'm here now to make amends, to rebuild what was broken.

Lucifer: (mockingly) "Oh, you don't know the whole story," are you taking the piss? I was in the whole story. You made a deal with your ex-husband to abandon me and Charlie to relax in your perfect paradise. Now you're here because heaven is so desperate to stop Charlie. They've sent you to destroy her wedding day. Don't you even try to tell me I'm wrong.

Lilith: (defensively) Lucifer, you're twisting the truth. Yes, I made a deal with Adam to secure my place in Heaven, but it was never about abandoning you or Charlie. I thought it was the only way to ensure our safety, to give Charlie a chance at a normal life away from the dangers of Hell. But I see now that I was wrong, and I regret the pain it caused both of you.

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