United They Fall

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The next day, in the afternoon, Angel Dust wakes up from his sleep and sits up, recalling his shared talk with Odette about their experience with Valentino. also remembering his conversation with Husk a few months ago.

Angel Dust: (in his head) It's not an act! It's who I need to be. And this... This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken, I won't be his toy anymore... And maybe he'll let me go...

Angel Dust looks up; he should be happy. Odette killed Valentino, and he hasn't fucked in a month, yet something feels empty, as if he's missing something, someone... Molly, oh, how little cute Molly.


Meanwhile, on the abandoned ship, Lilith, along with her boy toy Alastor, walks up and down as Vrak watches while Sergeant Tread sits nearby drinking a bowl of booze as if it was soup.

Lilith: (impatiently) Vrak, are you certain your plan will work? We cannot afford any mistakes. And why the heck is your speed demon getting drunk over there?

Vrak: (determined) For the sake of chaos, your highness, the drunker Sergeant Tread is, the more unpredictable he will be when speeding, making it look less like an organized crime.

Alastor: (calmly) I hate to point this out, but with all your fancy talk, you forget about our fellow overlords. Sure, your speed demon's little test yesterday killed a few souls owned by them, but it won't be enough. They are already getting suspicious of you. And considering Carmilla's determination to keep Odette from blowing her brains out, how do we deal with them?

Voice: (determined) Perhaps I could help with that.

The four villains look up at a metal figure standing in the room as Vrak pulls out his sword and points it at the sinner.

Vrak: (determined) An intruder, how long have you been standing there?

Metal Figure: (calmly) Long enough. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Cog. I come here with an offer.

Lilith: (intrigued) Intriguing, do go on.

Professor Cog: (calmly) You have a plan set in stone to bring the seven rings of hell to it's knees. I can help you with that plan as long as I get a certain book owned by the Goetia family that can transport me back to Earth so I can finish what my leader started one hundred and three years ago.

Lilith: (annoyed) We've already got a perfect plan in stone. Tell me why we need a hunk of metal junk like you.

Professor Cog: (determined) You see, while you're busy manipulating mass chaos, I will settle my score and do away with my fellow overlords. You scratch my back; I scratch yours.

Alastor: (calmly) I knew I recognized your name. Nice to see you again, Professor, looking as clean as ever.

Professor Cog: (smirking) Ah, the pleasure is all mine, Alastor. It seems our paths cross once more in the pursuit of mutual interests.

Lilith: (skeptical) And what guarantee do we have that you won't double-cross us once you get what you want?

Professor Cog: (calmly) Lucky for you, betrayal is not in my vocabulary.

Vrak: (calmly) Considering the fact that you mentioned one hundred and three years ago, the word betrayal is something your leader was known for, along with other things.

Professor Cog: (firmly) My allegiance lies with those who can aid me in achieving my goals. And right now, our goals align perfectly. You need help in eliminating your fellow overlords, and I need access to the Goetia Grimoire. It's a simple transaction.

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