When Harry Met Sally

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November 1st 2023
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The flight wasn't long, but it felt like an eternity. Travis had never been very good at sitting still for very long. His mother said it was as if he was born to be an athlete, or at very least a dancer. It was why his mother never seemed fussed that Travis had been a boy. She had made it very clear that Travis' excellent sense fashion and style along with his dancing skills gave her the things she would want in a daughter. Plus Jason ended up giving her three granddaughters so she couldn't really be fussy anymore. You wanted a daughter, well you got three. Five if you counted Kylie and now Taylor. Donna had always seen Kylie as a daughter, rather than a daughter in law and Travis hoped that his mom would feel that way about Taylor too. He hadn't ever asked her; the time had never felt right. Taylor hadn't meet Kylie and Jason yet but the papers were already speculating that they had, and that Kylie already didn't like Taylor which was absurd.

He touched down in Philadelphia at 2:30pm and headed straight in an Uber to his brother's house where he knew the rest of the family would be waiting for him. His brothers birthday was on the 5th November, exactly a month after Travis' but Travis had a game in Germany that day and so they had planned a quick gathering in Philly before both boys would be back off playing and Donna would travel with Travis to Frankfurt for the Chiefs v Dolphins game. The ride from the airport was a quick 20 minute drive. He generously tipped the driver before grabbing his bag and heading into the house. He didn't need to bring much, only a toothbrush and tomorrow's clothes but he had brought gifts for his nieces. Correction, Taylor had brought gifts for his nieces, Travis was merely an out of hours working Santa Claus. Taylor had been practising hard in New York for her upcoming shows in Argentina and Brazil plus she was adamant that that day was about Jason and not her. There would be plenty of time for her and Travis to meet Kylie, Jason and the girls but then wasn't one of them and he had admired her for that.

"Anybody home." Travis shouted as he shut the door. He heard the elephant stampede of 4 tiny feet coming careering down the hallway towards him.

"Uncle Travvy!!!!" was all that could be heard as he was engulfed by two little girls that he grasped in his arms, one under each armpit as he carried them into the living room.

"I see you found the girls." Jason laughed, pulling his brother into a hug.

"Haha, yeah I guess you could say that. Hey Ky!" Travis peaked his head round the corner to spot the tall woman with dark blonde hair who was holding a baby on her hip. He was very close with his sister in law Kylie, who was basically just like a sister to him. They very much enjoyed ganging up on Jason and playing pranks behind his back.

"Hey Trav." She waved back. "We are just gonna get a pizza later tonight cause it's just easier than cooking or finding a babysitter to look after the kids whilst we all go out."

"Hey I'm not complaining about getting a pizza, you know me!" Travis chuckled. "Anyway I have P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S for the girls. Do you want them to open them now, or wait until a bit later."

"They can open them now if they want to, they may as well."

Travis gave a thumbs up before retiring to the living room where the rest of the family were. He could hear the faint noise of Bluey playing in the background and saw his two nieces sat on the sofa, thumbs in mouths watching some afternoon television. He could see that they had both only just woken up from their afternoon naps and noticed Kylie leave to put Bennet down for her nap too. If she napped now, it would take her through to dinnertime perfectly and the whole routine wouldn't be too messed up.

"How was the journey mom?" Travis asked, sitting himself down next to his mom on the couch. His dad was opposite him in one of the armchairs, Jason occupying the other one.

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