Call Me By Your Name

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March 1st 2025
Los Angeles, California

If you had told the girl, sat in that exact vanity chair, ten years ago that in a decades time she would be nominated for an Oscar, she would have slapped you. But here she was....

The Eras Tour in concert had been nominated for a special award for its sepcatcular box office review and reception. Despite being possibly one of the most illegally downloaded movies of all time in the first twenty four hours prior to the of release of it, it was a phenomenal success. So much so that the academy wished to recognise it. She knew that she pretty much had already won the award, other movies had been nominated as a formality but with them making a special award section just for her concert, it was almost certain she had won. Taylor was glad that Travis could be by her side. Being almost thirty five weeks pregnant at the Oscars was not ideal and she could not shake out the idea and picture of her water breaking early and gushing out all over the red carpet. it would certainly be a way to make an entrance, and swift exit at the same time. It would also make for a good headline, and something funny to look back on in years to come. Not that she wanted it of course. They still hadn't had Taylors baby shower yet which would be in the next week and their nursery in New York City had nothing in it yet despite the fact they would be living there when the baby was born. The pair of them had both settled on having Taylor give birth in New York City where there were most specialist hospitals and better facilities overall. None of Travis' family lived in Kansas City and with it only being an hour or so from Philadelphia, it made more sense for Taylor and Travis to be there. Plus with it being the off season, they would need to be there as well. Travis would be hosting Saturday Night Live later on in the month and Taylor would also be filming a final photoshoot and surprise video there as well. 

But it was not going to be easy that night either. As Taylor eyed her body up and down the full length mirror, she could only feel disgusted with herself. There was not an ounce of love for her body anymore, not that she had ever truly loved her body for years. But this was on another level. Whilst she was every bit full of joy that she had made it as far as she had done in her pregnancy, further than she had ever gotten, it did make her feel disgusted with herself. She was still being sick multiple times a day sometimes and was trying her hardest not to give into the baby's insane sugar cravings, but it was no use. She was still round and plump, like a bowling ball. Travis would have to roll her off of the red carpet. 

"Looking hot there mama." She heard a voice say, getting louder as the man she recognised as Travis came up behind her, his hand freezing cold. "Is this the special surprise outfit you have planned for tonight? I must say, it's gonna be a head turner. I can see the headlines now, although I am not sure how you ever got Tree to agree to this!" 

Taylor looked around and judging by the sly smirk on the corners of his lips, she could tell that he was messing with her.

"I was just examining things Trav." She mused, leaning in against his chest as much as she could. Their little bean was taking up most of the room between them nowadays

"Examining yourself? Tay you aren't some kind of specimen in a lab." 

"I feel like one." Taylor moaned, allowing Travis to wrap his arms around her bump, lifting it up ever so slightly to relieve the pressure on Taylor's back. He heard her instantly relax into him, feeling the immense pressure of carrying their beautiful baby girl lift off of her, at least for a minute. "Thanks, that feels good."

"I am sorry you don't feel good Tay. You look beautiful to me." 

"You always say that." Taylor deflected, ignoring Travis compliment as she continued to refuse to look at herself in the mirror. 

"That's because it is always true. You are always beautiful to me, even when you are throwing your guts up at 3 in the morning. I couldn't find you anymore attractive than I do now as you carry and grow our beautiful baby girl. She will all be worth this pain Tay, I promise you."

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