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November 10th 2023
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Red Eyes were no joke. But Travis had touched down in Buenos Aires that morning and had made his way to Taylor's hotel. It was safe to say she was a little more than excited to see him. If he hadn't have been 6'5 and a strong offence player, she probably would have knocked him off of his feet. The weather looked precarious for that night but they all were holding out hope that it would clear up later, or at worst just be another rain show. But the hope wore thin when they heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Tree." Travis said opening the door to find the ginger haired woman stood in the doorway, stress written all over her face.

"Hey Travis." Tree said, making her way into the suite to find Taylor, who was still sat in bed with Greys Anatomy playing in the background whilst he finalised some of that nights outfit choices and the final surprise song: she had been planning to do a mashup of Is It Over Now and Out Of The Woods that night. And play Endgame for Travis. "Hey Taylor, how are you?"

"I'm good Tree, what's up." She moved her notebook out of the way so that Tree could come and sit next to her.

"Not good news I am afraid. We are going to have to postpone tonights show. Im looking at possible options and it looks like we could move the show to Monday but that would just give you one less day of rest between the shows here and the shows in Rio next week."

Travis could sense Taylor beginning to panic and so crossed over the room to where she was sat on the bed and pulled close her into him.

"No, they can't do that. We can't do that. Think about all of the fans who have travelled all of this way. It's only a little bit of rain, it will be fine. We have done this before, the fans love a rain show."

"Taylor I am afraid it's far worse than this."

"No it isn't" Taylor cut her off but Travis stopped Tree before she started to speak. He beckoned Tree to the other part of the suite where there were some seats and a table.

"Tell me what's going on. Tay is in no fit state to be listening to you or anyone else today. I will speak to her a bit later once she has calmed down slightly."

"Thank you Travis. It's an electrical storm. Normally with rain shows it's allowed to go on but not this. This is serious and it's also out of my hands. I can't do anything even if I tried. The mayor has decided that the show tonight is cancelled. I've had to work my arse off to get it postponed and moved to Monday evening. Luckily it looks like it's just a one night thing so tomorrow night should be fine."

"Ok thanks Tree. I'll tell Taylor and see what she says. Does her dad know?" Travis knew that Scott was staying in the room below them. Tree nodded.

"Yes, I told him before I came up to you guys just in case Taylor didn't react very well."

"Ok well keep me updated on anything. Im sure her dad will be up soon to see how she is doing."

"Will do. Thanks Travis." Tree waved goodbye to Travis before departing back to where she was staying in the hotel to do some damage control via social media. Travis went back into the bedroom to find Taylor staring at her hands, legs over the side of the bed. He came to sit down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders o bring her in close to him.

"None of this is your fault Tay."

"I know but I still can't help but feel guilty. people have traveled so far to come see these shows. Tonight may have been there only chance. And now you've come all the way out here for nothing."

"Hey hey hey, don't talk like that." Travis replied, wiping away the stray tears that had escaped. "They will understand. And if some people don't well then they aren't true fans."

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