The Best Of Me

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June 15th 2025
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Tay, she is going to be perfectly fine with Kylie and my mom. They have raised five children between them so Luna is in very safe and qualified hands." Travis reassured her for the millionth time that day. He had managed to get dinner reservations for the two of them at Lacroix in downtown Philadelphia, knowing that his mom would adore getting to spend more time with her newest little granddaughter, especially before the pre season and training camps got underway and whisked them back off to Kansas City.

"I know that. It's just.. she's so little. I don't want to miss a second with her. And what if she is upset and I am not there to comfort her Trav." She worried, rocking Luna to sleep in her arms. They needed to leave in the next five minutes so Travis was trying his best to coax her out of the bedroom and towards the door so they could drive to the restaurant. Neither of them were drinking alcohol, with Taylor still adamant about breastfeeding Luna and Travis wanting to support her through it. He knew how much she loved a glass of wine with her dinner or a cocktail at a game and drinking in front of her would just be dangling a carrot in front of a stubborn mule. It would get her to move but it would also anger her. Something Travis never wanted to do.

"We can go downstairs and I will let you explain everything to mom and Kylie. I'll put her schedule that you wrote down on the fridge so that they can read it again and make sure they know what they are doing."

He watched as she finally relaxed, moving over towards him.

"Can you do up my zipper at the back. I would do it myself but someone is refusing to let me put her down." Taylor laughed and Travis nodded.

"It would be my pleasure." He looked so handsome, dressed in a pair of stylish black pants and white polo. She knew he was planning on pairing it with his beige coat, the one he had 'borrowed' from the photoshoot he did for his Wall Street Journal article. Taylor herself had decided on a black floor length dress with a large v neck neckline. She knew it would drive Travis crazy having to sit across from her, only allowed to look, not to touch.

"Right, I think we are just about ready to go." Travis said, finishing off her zipper and grabbing the car keys and his phone that he had left on the nightstand charging.

"One minute!" Travis watched as Taylor ran off to their bags, fishing something out of it. He knew instantly what it was. The little rabbit toy at that Luna always carried around with her and her pyjama top she had just been wearing.

"What are you doing with that?" Travis asked, pointing at the University of Cincinnati shirt that had once, long before, belonged to him that Taylor had taken as her own.

"So she can still smell me." Travis rolled his eyes, laughing as he followed her out of the bedroom and dow stairs to where his mom was waiting to take over. He watched as Taylor meticulously went over every single part of Luna's schedule with them.

"So I have just given her a feed now so she probably won't be hungry for another two to three hours at least and we should be back by then but if she is hungry there are bottles in the fridge that I have expressed today. She may not go to sleep in her crib straight away so you need to rock her in your arms. Don't put her in the crib without her bunny or she will scream bloody blue murder. Believe me, Trav learnt that the hard way." Travis nodded, his mind flashing back to the one time he had forgotten to give it to her and she had screamed the whole apartment down. "I think that is everything."

Donna nodded, coming over to take Luna out of her mother's arms.

"Now we will be absolutley fine. You kids go and enjoy yourselves for a bit and we will see you later."

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