Away We go

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June 23rd 2025
Kansas City, Missouri

There was an aching feeling raging through her bones. Nothing felt right, even though she wanted it to be. Here there were, a little over a week after their successful date night and first alone time away from Luna together. Packing up their bags in New York City to return to Kansas City early. Travis didn't start training camp for another three and a half weeks and without helping out with tight end University this year in Nashville, they would have a lot of extra time on their hands. Even though it had been a joint decision to leave New York City earlier than they had originally planned, something about it just didn't feel right to Taylor. She had completed everything she needed to get done in New York that week, and anything else could either be done from home in her recording studio in Kansas City or online via Zoom or emails and text messages.

Taylor stood in what was Luna's nursery, watching as she slept peacefully in her crib. It was hard to imagine that they had brought her home from the hospital almost ten weeks ago. She had grown and changed so much in that short space of time, everyday becoming more and more of a real human being with her own personality and everything. She was turning out to be a right firecracker, very opinionated already but incredibly loving, especially if your name was Daddy. As predicted , Luna was 100% a daddy's girl and whilst that at first had made Taylor slightly jealous, to see the bind between their daughter and Travis forming was one of the most beautiful things she had every seen. They had decided to keep most of the stuff in Luna's nursery in New York City there, knowing they would have to return occasionally during the season for when they had games there and for Taylor's work throughout the year. New York City and Los Angeles would be there bases for the off season and Kansas City would be there house and base for the season for the most part. Her nursery in Kansas City had been ready and waiting for months and months now, finished shortly after Taylor's baby shower.

She heard movement coming from the hallway but didn't dare stray her eyes away from the sleeping baby in the crib below her.

"Tay baby." She heard Travis yell from down the hallway. "Where are you?"

"In here babe." Taylor replied back, not as loud as Travis but she knew he wasn't far. Just as she had predicted, he rounded the corner into the nursery not a minute later.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly, as Taylor pressed a finger to her lips, signalling that Luna was still asleep in the crib. She nodded as he came to stand beside her as they both watched Luna drift in and out of sleep, her chest delicately rising and falling with every breath she took. It was perfect, and how things should be.

"Did you get everything we need packed up?" Taylor asked finally, not tearing her eyes away from Luna. Watching her sleep was their favourite pastime.

"Yep most of it at least. There are still a couple of bits left to go in the cars that haven't gone already but Steve and Drew are going to grab them in a minute. I just wanted to make sure you had all of Luna's stuff ready to go."

Whilst they had everything they needed back in Kansas City, there were still things of Luna's that they would want to bring back with them: her special bunny rabbit from Wyatt that she couldn't go anywhere without, her blanket her Nanna DeDe had gifted her and other bits such as the bottle warmer and bassinet that they would need when they got back.

"Are you ready to go then?" Travis asked, already knowing the answer. Whilst he loved New York City and all it had to offer, nowhere felt more like home to him than Kansas City, and after of the drama and turmoil that had come from the paparazzi and general chaos that was New York City, Travis could not be more grateful to leave it all behind for a while. But he could sense that Taylor was having some reservations, despite being all in less than a week ago. He was hoping that he could convince Taylor to let them go, at least enough for them to be able to peacefully leave. He was also holding out all hope that no one would see them leaving New York. Sure people would see them out and about in Kansas City before long, but they wouldn't be hassled as much as they had been before. That had always been Taylor's nightmare: that they would be out and about and the paparazzi would crowd around them and eventually scare Luna. He wanted to get the pair of them out of there before it could become a reality.

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