Midnight in Paris

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May 8th 2024
Paris, France

Paris !
The city of love !

The pair had arrived in the Paris the evening before after an early morning take off from New York City. Taylor had been invited to the MET Gala that year and chose to take Travis as her plus one to the event. It hadn't been without its awkward moments, mostly to do with a certain family named Kardashian, but Travis had made a point to make sure at no point in the night did Taylor loose sight of her power and her worth. They spent most of the night hanging out with Blake and Ryan who had also been invited and making plans together for the summer when Blake and Ryan would be bringing their kids to London for the June shows at Wembley stadium.

Travis also had another surprise for Taylor. But he was waiting until dinner to give it to her. Instead of a hotel this time they had decided on an apartment, just for the two of them. It was a penthouse apartment that they had found online and booked. her security would be staying in the same building along with Tree. Her backup dancer had decided to stay in a house all together a little further out of the city. Taylor loved how her dancers all got along with each other, despite being from completely different lives, careers and backgrounds. A true little family. The apartment was situated in the 16th arrondissement of Paris containing 4 bedrooms and beautiful view on their balcony over Paris and of the Eiffel Tower. They had very little time to explore: during show days Taylor liked to get as much rest as possible and rarely used that time for sight seeing. She knew that her and Travis would come to Paris again at some point soon when the tour was over at the end of the year.

"Come on Trav, we don't have long to explore." Taylor shouted as she came running down eh stairs on their penthouse apartment from their bedroom into the kitchen, skidding slightly into Travis' arms. She had clearly forgotten what happens to socks on tiled and wooden flooring.

"Wow careful there babe. We won't be going anywhere accept a hospital if you keep up those dance moves." Travis laughed, grabbing onto her as she steadied herself once more. "So where do you want to go?"

"Well there is this new bakery that opened up that does amazing breakfasts according to Abigail so we could try there. Maybe just take a walk along the river and do some shopping and sight seeing?"

"Sounds good. Shall I go and get Steve to start the car up?" Travis asked, turning on his heel to go grab his phone to call security. When he heard no response fromTaylor he whipped back around to see her eyes widen. She stood still, and lifeless; a deer in headlights. Something was wrong...

Something was really really wrong!!!

"Tay honey what is it?" He rushed over to her but she didn't move. She didn't register thatTravis had come over to her. It was as if she was dead to the world. And to him. "Taylor homey talk to me. Stay with me!"

"Can't... br-, breathe." Taylor gasped between breaths. He could tell immediately what was going on. She was having another one of her panic attacks. She had had them before, early on in their relationship but she hadn't had one in months. Not since the incident with the AI photos back in late January time. Apart from some mild anxiety and nerves about seeing Kim and the rest of her family at the MET gala, Taylor had never been mentally better. Everything with Travis felt different.

What had changed?

Travis guided her over to the couch where he hugged her into him "Tay I need to breathe for me honey."

"I, I , I can't!" She whispered in hysteria, her heart still pumping fast against her chest. Travis could feel it. He loosened his grip on her but continued to rub circles on the small of her back in an effort to calm her down slightly.

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