The Beginning of Life

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April 19th 2025

New York City, New York

Luna Andrea Kelce, the little light of their lives. 

Travis laid there, fast asleep with their newborn little girl drifting in and out of sleep on his chest. Taylor had been exhausted, after being in labour for over a day and birthing a whole entire human that it seemed completely fair for him to take over and hold her whilst Taylor slept. What he hadn't planned on doing was falling sleep himself, but he had. Tucked into his bare chest was his daughter who cooed and sighed contently in her sleep, lulled off to sleep by the light snores of her dad.

Taylor felt the warmth of spring peeking through the white hospital curtains, bathing her in a warm sunlight that could almost mask the pain that she felt course back through her body. The pain killers and medications the doctors had given her to help her sleep had obviously worn off completley but the sight she saw beside her was enough to make her forget. Travis led uncomfortably on the hard chair next to her bed, with Luna curled up against his pair chest, both of them asleep with their mouths wide open and snoring contently. It was just after 7 in the morning and Taylor knew that before long the baby was going to want feeding again since Eshe hadn't fed since 4am which had been only her second ever breast feed of her life. She snapped a quick picture of the pair of them together before buzzing for the nurse to come and help her to the bathroom. Whilst she could have made the journey herself, it would be much quicker and less painful if she had someone there to help her out and seeing as Travis was currently very much unavailable, a nurse was the next best thing. 

When she returned, the scene in the hospital room she occupied was ver much the same but she could see the baby starting to fuss. She watched as Luna rooted, her head moving side to side, a clear indicator that she was hungry and ready to be fed and whilst she was going to find nipples, they weren't going to give her anything other then a shocked and annoyed Travis. 

"Trav, Travis." Taylor whispered, shaking him awake. Normally she wasn't afraid to loudly wake him up, knowing that he could sleep through hurricanes and tornados anywhere and anytime, but now that Luna was here, she was determined to wake Travis up as quietly as possible. By the fifth attempt of shaking him and calling out his name, she managed to get him to stir. 

"Yes babe, what is it?" He asked, opening one eye and then the other, his grip on Luna tightening as he got himself used to his surrondings once again. 

"It's 7am so she hasn't been feed for 3 hours. She is going to be hungry, I can see her already starting to fuss." And lo and behold, the baby starts to wriggle in Travis' arms, cooing and chewing on her fingers, another tell tale sign that she was getting even hungrier. Taylor was determined though to get her to feed before she shouted the place down. The doctors had already nicknamed her Mariah Carey with her high-pitched screaming cry that meant she clearly took after her mother in terms of vocal talent. 

"Ok, let me just put her down one minute and I will help you back onto the bed." Travis said quietly, placing Luna into the bassinet next to the hospital bed and coming around to the other side to help Taylor back into the bed. This was just another one of the many things about Travis that made Taylor so in love with him. She didn't have to ask him to do things for her. He just did them, and what's more he liked doing it for her. He took pleasure in being a gentleman and a good partner, something that Taylor was very much not used to in previous relationships. 

"Ok, now baby time. Hand her over Travis." Taylor laughed, settling herself under the covers before making grabby hands at Travis for the baby. Travis chuckles, moving over towards the bassinet and lifting up the content baby who was still half asleep with one hand tucked up against her face and in her mouth. Travis halted at the side of the bed, not handing the baby over to Taylor just yet. Taylor looks over at him positively confused. 

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