Three Men and A Baby

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June 30th 2025
Kansas City, Missouri

"Tay, are you nearly ready to go? Patt said Brittany is on her way over now." Travis shouted, trying to locate Taylor in their large Kansas City house. He couldn't find her or hear her anywhere downstairs, meaning that she had to be somewhere upstairs. She wouldn't be outside: he hadn't heard the backdoors open or had an alert on their security app to say there was any motion in the garden or outdoor patio area.

He searched her office, the music and recording studio, his office, the nursery... and then he found her. In their bedroom, propped up against the headboard of their huge bed, with Luna in her arms, peacefully feeding.


"Shussshh." Taylor warned Travis, placing a finger over her lips to signal to Travis to be quiet. He made his way over to where she was sat feeding the baby so as to not have to shout across the bedroom and potentially wake up the baby. "I have only just got her to go to sleep and I really don't want her waking up and disturbing her routine again."

Taylor was hinting to the fact that Luna's routine had become out of sync with all of the travelling and their move back to the midwest. This meant that Luna was more fussy than usual and was taking a lot more time to settle and do the things she would have normally done without a problem or fuss.

"Look baby, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but you need to go. And stalling is only going to make it ten times worse."

"Excuse me. Stalling... How am I stalling Trav?" Taylor questioned, raising one eyebrow in confusion as she continued to look over at him.

"Oh come on Tay, you know you could have put her down in her crib by now or come and given her to me. You just don't want to leave her do you?" Travis asked, and she knew that he was right. He was always right, one of his most annoying traits.

"How do you always know what I am thinking?" Taylor moaned, chuckling slightly as she saw him pull a goofy grin.

"Because I just do." He came over, placing a light kiss of her temple, stroking the small tufts of Luna's bright blonde hair as he did so. "Her hair is getting longer and longer isn't it?"

"It certainly is. At least she doesn't look bald anymore."

"Look Tay, I know that you don't want to leave her but she is perfectly safe with me. It is important for you to get out and have some fun without her. You need to do it, or else you will just isolate yourself even further. The girls have all missed you."

"Really?" Taylor looked as if she was about to cry.

"Oh absolutley. Pat said that Brittany was practically tearing his arm off to get him to talk to me and convince you to come out with them for a girls day out. She has really missed having you in Kansas City. We all have." He hugged her into his left hand side, not taking his other hand away from their daughter's cheek.

"I'm just scared Trav, thats all. I know I need to leave her and I do really want to get out and see everyone again. I just want to feel like myself again and I don't think that's ever going to happen." Taylor cried, the tears now flowing down her cheeks, threatening to ruin the masterpiece of makeup she had constructed earlier that morning.

"I know Tay, I know. And it's ok to feel like this. It's completely normal." Travis reassured her, moving the three of them so that Taylor was sat back on the bed.

"I just feel like every time I take one step forward, I end up taking three steps back. It like my darkest hours coming back to haunt me once again. I really want to feel like myself again and be able to just go out without thinking about it or anything like that."

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