Sister In Law

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March 3rd 2025
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania had always been her happy place. It had become Nashville when Taylor's family had moved there when she was only fourteen years old, but there was something about Pennsylvania. The way the people were so kind and gracious, to the simple way of living. Sometimes she missed the way things used to be, but she wouldn't give up music in a heartbeat. The pair of them had decided to take the trip to Philadelphia, the last one before the baby was born next month, in order to celebrate both Bennett and Elliotte's birthdays. It felt like time had flown by and Travis couldn't believe that the little girl who he held right after the second Super Bowl win of his career was now a babbling two year old running around the living room, trying her best to keep up and copy absoulelty everything that her older sisters were doing. Taylor swore that she was going to go into labour at any point, her Braxton hicks contractions had been becoming more regular and strong and the baby had dropped even lower almost overnight. She was reassured by Kylie that this was totally normal but could not seem to shake of the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She had never made it this far in a pregnancy, something was bound to happen. Taylor's sickness had for the most part worn off, still coming back for vengeance when she came into contact with anything meat related, more specifically chicken. She had been glad when the Chiefs had been knocked out of the playoffs in the AFC championship games. No matter how sad it made her to see Travis so defeated, it did make her slightly happy that she wouldn't have to endure another game of sickness as she battled with the smells of all of the food she once saw as delightful in the suite. Her one true love of chicken tenders had been thrown out of the window, along with her love for seemingly ranch and anything fried.

Her new found love was anything salted caramel flavoured, and still dippin dots. It had been hard trying to hide her stash of them from Jason and Travis throughout her pregnancy. They all sat around the coffee table in the living room, watching as the girls unwrapped their presents from Travis and Taylor. They were very excited: Bennett being gifted her very own Barbie princess castle and dressing up costumes. Elliotte's gifts being a huge collection of dinosaur toys to add to her growing collection along with an arts and crafts painting set and Travis' favourite and chosen present, a nerf gun. Taylor saw Jason's face lift up with glee but watched Kylie's drop with horror, knowing that as her parents, they would be taking the brunt of the action from that nerf gun. Hopefully they could just accidentally loose it when Eliootte wasn't watching, the same way Jason planned on accidentally loosing their cat if they ever got one. Taylor and Travis had plans for that.

After an eventful family barbecue and lots of presents, cake eating and dancing around, it was finally time for the girls to start winding down and getting ready for bed.

"Ok girlies, its gonna be time for pyjamas and stories soon."

"Can Auntie Tay sing us a song please!!!" Wyatt begged, with Elliotte agreeing enthusiastically. Taylor was laying half asleep on one of the big recliner sofas in the living room, with a sleepy Bennet cuddled up in her lap.

"Shush girls, Aunt Tay is very tired from carrying your baby cousin so we need to be extra quiet. Maybe she can sing you a song tomorrow?" Kylie shushed, not noticing Taylor's eyes slowly beginning to peel open

"No I can do it now if they want me to."

"Only if you are sure. They can wait till tomorrow." Kylie said and Taylor shook her head, reaching forward to pass the sleeping Bennett over to Kylie and over to grab Jason's guitar that he kept lying around. She never brought her instruments to Philly with them because she knew that the basics that she needed would be here, and sometimes it was nice to have some time away from work to spend with friends and family.

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