Before Sunrise

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August 17th 2023
New York City, New York


Sunlight was beginning to peak through the white curtains as the beautiful pink rays of the sun rise washed over the New York City skyline. Travis opened one eye, and then the other, slowly adjusting to the light that was slowly taking over the living room. He ached from spending a night curled up on the sofa but it was all worth it when he gazed down to see Taylor, still dressed in her white dress from last night, snuggled up against the warmth of his chest with a fist full of his matching white shirt. Travis ever so slightly moved an inch forward and when he found nor saw movement from Taylor, decided that it was safe to stand up and stretch his legs a bit.

After a quick trip to the bathroom and a freshen up, Travis returned to the sofa where Taylor still remained out cold in the position he had left her in. He slowly got back under the duvet cover that Taylor had put down for them to stay warm whilst they watched the movie the night before. He somehow managed to settle back in without disturbing her too much; a slight stare in her sleep only forces her more into his chest, there close proximity causing Travis to think long and hard.

He had everything he had wanted. Why was he still so nervous? He had done the most tricky part without too much trouble. But maybe that was exactly it. You can't mourn something you never had. But now he did have something. Something that meant everything to him. And so by default he had a lot to loose. Something he wished never to loose, not without a long hard fight. He sat there for another 2 hours, staring at the sweet rise and fall of her chest and the fluttering of her eyelashes as she dozed in and out of a dream.

It had just hit 9am and Travis had just considered waking her when slowly but surely her eyelashes began to flutter open and she began to awaken. He had hoped she wouldn't be frightened or creeped out that he had stayed the night. Even if he had wanted to leave, it would have been hard seeing as she had attached herself to him like a limpet on a sea rock. But to his shock and happiness she only smiled.

"You stayed?" She asked in a groggy sleep filled tone as she gazed up at him, her eyes starting to adjust to the summer morning light creeping through her curtains.

"Ofcourse, why would I just leave you?" Travis asked looking down at her with a smile on her face, wiping a piece of fluff from Taylors eyelash that had obviously come off of the duvet she had cocooned herself in.

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't expect you to that's all. Not that I am not glad or, or grateful. Its just-"

"No one else has ever done that for you before?" Travis cut in and Taylor nodded. He always seemed to know exactly what to say to her without her needing to hint or ask. "I get it Tay. This is new for me too. I was scared that you would have thought I was a creeper who wanted to get into bed with you on the first date."

"Well even if you were, you did a crappy job" Taylor mentioned, lifting the covers slightly to reveal her dress. "I'm still fully clothed, mission failed."

Travis laughed before seizing his opportunity "Hey actually your left sock is missing, so not fully clothed."

"But you just said you weren't a creep" Taylor said, raising an eyebrow as she moved further away from Travis on the couch.

"No I'm not. I just-"

"Im teasing you Trav" Taylor smiled as she laughed at Travis' reaction and less composed and calm reaction. "It was so worth it to see your reaction."

"Oh was it?" Travis enquired, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh huh."

"Well let's see if it was worth this." And with that, Travis pounced on top of her like one of her cats would and began tickling her all over her body. He quickly learnt that she had very ticklish feet.

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