One Day

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TW: Mentions of death, miscarriage and suicidal thoughts

June 6th 2024
Edinburgh, Scotland

They were meant to have been exploring together. Travelling Scotland, eating great food and experiencing everything that the city had to offer.

None of that had happened.

From the moment they woke up, Travis noticed something off about Taylor. They had left their house in London the day before to take the long 6 hour drive up to Edinburgh, Scotland. It had been a quiet ride, with Taylor for the most part sleeping or writing in her journal; Travis reading his book and staring out at the beautiful scenery as they past through fields of green and peaks of snow, even in the coming summer months of heat. They had gone out to the pub that night too, for some drinks and some fun. Taylor saw him having fun, more fun than she had. Nothing about that night felt right. He noticed how Taylor, who always usually danced with him, held back, no drink in her hand and hunched over the bar as if she was in pain. He noticed she left to go to the toilet a couple of times but she had smiled over at him and didn't stop him. Taylor had always told him to enjoy himself, and so he did.

Maybe he was wrong to have done so?

Their day was spent apart. Travis had woken up to Taylor still fast asleep in bed next to him, curled up in a ball, the stain of red billowing from underneath her.

That must be it, he thought. It all made sense now. The aloofness in the pub the night before, he reluctance to dance with him and drink. She spent that night looking like she was in pain but it must have just been her period. He knew that she was very hormonal on her period and so knew that it must be that. He shook her lightly to wake her up.

"Tay, tay babe. Time to wake up!"

"Ugh, what time is it?" Taylor asked, poking one eye open as she yawned loudly.

"Ten past eleven darling." He said kissing her lightly on the forehead."But I need to change the sheets."

'Why?" She asked groggily, pulling herself up in the bed and wincing slightly at the pain stabbing its way through her lower abdomen, almost like a period cramp.

"There's um-" Travis awkwardly pointed st the spot she had been laying it that was stained maroon. "I think you started your period Tay." He saw the shock in her face began to wash over as she immediately stood up. "but don't worry, I'll change the sheets and it will all be fine."

Travis hurried around the room as Taylor slumped herself off to the en suite bathroom. She sat on the toilet as more pain coursed through her bloodstream. Her leg shook and she couldn't remember it being that bad. She heard a light knock on the door as she stayed sat, rooted to the toilet.

"Tay, you ok?"

"Yeah." She wiped the tears from her eyes, flushing the toilet to come and open the door slowly. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm actually not feeling so good so I am probably going to to take it easy here today but don't let me stop you going out. Go have fun and explore, I'll see you later. Ok?"

"ummm, ok." Travis said as she reluctantly kissed him goodbye and practically shoved him out of the door. He hadn't wanted to leave, but she had promised him she would be ok. That a couple of hours on her own what just what she needed.

Surprisingly Edinburgh had lots of fun things to do. Sadly, he had wanted to do those fun things with Taylor but had accepted that she wasn't well. He picked up a few souvenirs for the pair of them before returning back to their little cottage they were sharing together that weekend, weighed down with her favourite chocolates, foods and of course essential tampons. When he placed down the box of tampons, Taylor gave him a look.

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