Baby Mama

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March 11th 2025
Kansas City, Missouri

With only four more weeks to go the biggest question on everybody's minds was how on earth Taylor's bump could be getting any bigger. The baby had pretty much fully dropped down now and so she was carrying pretty low. Walking anywhere was a struggle but this would be Travis and Taylor's final weekend in Kansas City before they made their departure for New York City. It was the day of her baby shower and in true Brittany fashion, Taylor hadn't had to life a finger when it came to organising or buying anything for the party. All of Taylor's close friends had flown into Kansas City for the grand event and Pat had taken it upon himself to organise a mans weekend of playing golf with himself, Jason and Pat along with his friends Ross, Aric, Harry and Blake's husband Ryan. 

Invited to the baby shower was of course her own mom Andrea and Travis' mom Donna, along with Kylie, Brittany, Selena, Blake, Abigail, Lindsay and Ashley. Kylie had left the girls back in Philly with her mom and dad as well as Travis' dad Ed, stating that the girls were too young to understand anything that would be going on and would only end up getting bored and acting up. Taylor was putting the final touches on her makeup when her phone buzzed with a notification. She crossed over from her makeup vanity towards where she had left her phone, perched on top of the bathroom countertop. She guessed it had just been from Brittany checking that she hadn't randomly gone into labour in the middle of the night and that the party would still be going ahead. But she had been wrong.

Trav ❤️: Hey baby girl, hope you have fun today with the girls. They better spoil you rotten. I am heading back home soon so should catch you guys later on this afternoon. Love you xx

She thought that it was sweet that he still thought of her whilst he was on his guys golfing trip, especially considering he would be back that afternoon. But she didn't have much time to ponder about anything else as she heard the doorbell ring. It took her a while but she finally made it to the front door of their house, opening it to reveal both Brittany and Kylie together. 

"Hey Baby Mama, how are you doing?" Brittany squealed as she pulled Taylor in for a big hug, nearly knocking her off of her feet. 

"Hey Britt, I am doing ok. Just can't wait to be done with this whole pregnancy business. Like I think I am actually going to prefer the newborn screaming and neediness phase over the constant sickness and fatigue and stretch marks." Taylor sighed, waddling over to the closet where she kept all of her coats and some of her main handbags and shoes for everyday usage.

"Well you are already looking after a big kid already so it's gonna be twice as hard." Kylie chuckled, noting how Travis and Jason were one of the same person when it came to personality. They both hadn't changed since they were little kids. 

"Right well missy. Get your shoes on, we are going to party and have so much fun."

"I think partying and too much fun is what got me into this mess!" Taylor laughed, pointing at her humongous baby bump. The baby was a lot less active in her movements due to the fact there was now very limited space in Taylor's uterus for her to do so anymore. But it did still freak the dog out when he slept on her bump when a foot would randomly protrude out of her stomach, or occasionally a hand. Jupiter's favourite place had very quickly become anywhere Taylor was, specifically when she was lying down. It made her heartfelt when she watched him for the first time come up onto the sofa and place his head down on her protruding stomach. He had cocked an ear in confusion, barking at the sudden sound of the heartbeat in her stomach besides her own. But after he had gotten used to it, along with the occasional kick to the face from the baby, it had quickly become his favourite spot to settle down and sleep in. Benjamin enjoyed it too, her little dog cat. Olivia couldn't seem less interested and Meredith seemed to be slowly plotting everyone's demise, finding any chance she could to trip both her and Travis down the stairs, or jumping out of places when you least expect it, scaring the living daylights out of people. 

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