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          Let's follow Timmy for once

So. He has the file that was just sent to the Batcomputer. And he's in the Batcave. WHAT'S HE SUPPOSED TO DO. "Oh hey so you know how I've been going out for the past week? Yeah I made a friend who's ridiculously brave, genius, talented and pretty who also decided to to spy on the most dangerous people out there to try and help us who conveniently is 'Phantom'." Yeah it's not a good idea. 'Holy shit Danny you beautiful fuck, you screwed me.' Tim thought to himself.

"Red Robin." Batman said, acknowledging his presence.

"Hey... So what did you get?" Tim asked nervousness evident in his voice.

"We just received The Joker's plans for the next month right about." The Dark Knight replied ignoring Tim nervousness for now.

"Funny thing, I just got a file of the exact same thing today."

Batman turned from the screen he'd been staring at and looked at his son.

"Show me."

Tim handed the file to his father and stood waiting anxiously. He wasn't sure how he would react.

"Where did you get this?" Batman asked

"I can't tell you that since I don't know myself. I found it on a rooftop didn't see anyone, but got suspicious when it was labelled 'Joker'." Tim said, lying through his teeth.

"Hmmmm." Was his reply.

"We'll get to that later we have a clown to stop." Batman said after a while.

____________________Time_ skip_________________________

Patrol went fine, stopped a few robberies here, got a few goons there. All in all a normal patrol. Joker's plans don't start for another week or so, meaning more time to plan and spend time with Danny. He was pretty excited about meeting him the next day.

While trying to fall asleep Tim couldn't help but think of him. He thought about the white streak in his hair. He wondered if he was like Jason... He'll have to ask about it. And when he smiles, oh that beautiful smile, he saw sharp teeth, almost like fangs. Then he remembered looking at his ears, they were elf like.

'Is he human?' Was Tim's last thought as he fell asleep.

He woke up the last morning and decided to confront Danny about this.


Danny invited Tim to his house so they could hang out.

"Welcome to my humble abode, your highness." Danny said with a bow.

"Why thank you my good man." Tim said in the same funny accent Danny used.

They both began laughing as they walked inside.

"So what do you want to do?" Tim asked Danny.

"The house tour." Danny said excitedly.

"Where do we begin?" Tim questioned a trouble maker smirk on his face.

Danny grinned and began with the living room, then the kitchen, the lab and guest room as it was all on the bottom floor. Upstairs was the library/study, Danny's bedroom, the investigation room and in the attic was all of Danny's astrology and astronomy stuff.

Tim could almost see Danny's happiness when he talked about the stars.

'Now would be a great time to confront him.' Tim thought.

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