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A/n sorry I didn't update yesterday I felt like dying.

Danny woke up feeling pissed. Someone hurt Connor and he can't torture them. Thankfully Connor is safe right next to him.

Danny got up carefully from under his lovers' arms and went to the kitchen to make them breakfast. They had a rough mission in the desert and he was going to treat them.

He made their favourites and brought it to his room where his lovers' were still asleep. He looked at them with a small smile.

"Connor, Tim, wake up." He said softly yet still loud enough.

Connor groaned which caused Tim to sit up.

"What...?" Tim said sleepily.

Danny chuckled a little. "I made breakfast."

"You're the best, Dear." Tim said happily.

Connor slowly sat up. His eyes were droopy cute Danny found it so freaking cute. Connor smiled and rubbed his eyes.

"Cuddles..." He said.

"After you eat, Love." Danny said sweetly.

Danny handed the breakfast to them and sat in-between them.

Tim and Connor ate in silence. They finished and put their plates together and on the bedside table.

Connor turned to Danny and hugged him. Tim joined shortly after.

"What are our plans for today?" Tim asked.

Danny gave a cheeky grin. "I planned a date."

Tim went red. "We've never been on a date."

"And that's the problem." Danny grinned.

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise, Honey. But I'll tell you that it's casual wear. Nothing fancy." Danny said.

"When will we go?" Connor asked his love.

"Around two if that's okay with you." Danny said gently.

"That's fine with me, Sugar." Connor said snuggling further into Danny's stomach.

"I'm free then." Tim said.

Danny hummed and played with Connor's hair.

Danny had planned a picnic for them. In his sleep.

Nocturne taught him that.

The morning was filled with cuddles and sweet nothings. At around one they got ready and made some stupid excuse to leave.

They started walking towards the park together holding hands.

"The park?" Tim asked.

"Yes." Danny said.

They continued walking until they got to a deserted area and saw a picnic.

"Oh, I get it." Tim said.

They sat down looking curiously at the basket. They talked about random things and just enjoyed their time and started to snack on the things Danny brought.

They finished and packed up everything in the basket. Danny led them through the park and got ice cream. They then started walking back to the Zeta tube to return to the Cave.

"That was awesome, Dear! Thank you." Tim said. He kissed Danny and Connor. "I need to get to Gotham for a bit and I won't be here til late tonight."

They said goodbye and gave him his kisses.

"Be careful. Always have your panic button on your person." Danny said sternly.

"You know I will." Tim said.

Tim left and the other two went to do their own things.

It's safe to say they liked the date.


End of Chapter.

A/n noooooo it's late :(

Damian uses the last one when any of his brothers gets kidnapped

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Damian uses the last one when any of his brothers gets kidnapped.

Damian uses the last one when any of his brothers gets kidnapped

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Good luck to any villains.

Good luck to any villains

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