Normal Day.

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A/n I love blob ghosts. *Fangirl noises* tiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnyyyyyy

Danny, Tim and Connor were cuddling. Danny started to play with his power and made a blob ghost out of his ectoplasm. The little blob ghost played with Danny's hand and purred in delight.

"I didn't know you could do that." Connor said hugging him closer. Connor was sitting behind him and Tim's head was in Danny's lap.

"It's cute." Tim said as the blob ghost snuggled his face.

"Yeah. They work great as spies and I can make thousands of them." Danny said.

Tim hummed sending vibrations through Danny's body.

"Nap." Tim said tiredly.

"Agreed." Danny said. "Con?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired too." Connor said.

They climbed under the covers and Danny returned the blob ghost into his ecto stream. (Instead of blood stream, because those two are separate things and only mix when getting to the heart/core of Danny's).

"Love you." Danny said sleepily.

"Love you too." Tim and Connor said at almost the exact same time.

They fell asleep for about an hour or so. Connor woke up first and saw his boyfriends snuggled up while he hugged them. They were so cute in his opinion. Danny was a little kitten and Tim was an adorable little birdie. They were his and he was theirs. If anyone tried to separate them they would all kill anyone who kept them apart. Cute little killing machines. Sooo cute. He thought, pulling them closer.

Danny started purring and snuggled closer to them.

Connor wondered if he could touch Danny's wings. He'd have to ask first.

They weren't going to do much that day. Maybe some training. They could watch a movie, go to the beach, maybe go on a date. They could head back to Danny's house. There were quite a few things to do. They just have to choose.

"Hello, my Love." Danny said waking up.

Connor chuckled a bit at his cuteness. "Hey, Sugar." Connor said sweetly and quietly.

Tim groaned.

"Hey, Honey." Danny said laughing a bit.

"Too early..." Tim mumbled in his morning voice which was hot.

"Hi, Pumpkin." Connor said with love in his voice. He smiled brightly. "You two are adorable." He said lovingly.

"You're pretty too." Danny said.

Tim slowly sat up. "Why are we flirting so early?" He asked laying down on Connor's chest and holding Danny's hand.

"Is there a specific time to start flirting?" Danny asked kissing his forehead. He then turned to Connor and gave him a kiss too.

"No.." Tim said still sleepy.

Danny chuckled. To Tim and Connor he sounded like an angel.

"You're beautiful." Tim said to Danny. "You too." He said pointing to Connor's chest.

They slowly woke up and got out of bed holding hands throughout the entire day. All in all the day went normal. Other than having to smack Wally upside the head for eating all Danny's food it was fine.


End of Chapter.

A/n Do you want the one where Danny tries to kill Psimon in a desert or not!? I NEED answers!

A/n Do you want the one where Danny tries to kill Psimon in a desert or not!? I NEED answers!

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Danny No-!!

Look at the ones near his legs

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Look at the ones near his legs.

Look at the ones near his legs

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Screwed. That's what they are.

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