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I will be at her side,

Forever and always.

To be her true guardian,

This promise I shall break.


I couldn't believe this was happening and yes sometimes I too have these moments. I was surrounded by several pale looking men, ghostly pale with black eyes and black clothes. From their body emitted a black smoke and sand like residue. The minor demons as we call them. There were around ten of them and looked menacing but no one dared to make a move on me.

"Your Highness we are here to assist you to the palace." They all stated in unison.


"Because our King invited you." Again they answered all at once.

It was getting on my nerves.

"I am not in mood to meet King of Hell so disappear right now or I will have to blast you off." I warned them since I was about to go for my date.

And then a paler among the pale demons stepped out, he looked like a leader.

"Sire, we are ordered to bring you along at all cost." He said rather curtly for a demon.

"And what will you do if I don't?" I challenged them knowing quiet well they were afraid of me.

"We have the girl in our captivity."

As soon as he said those words I can't define how I felt. Pained? Angry? Shocked? No I felt something I have never felt, powerless. I could feel the power draining from me and my mind went in a trance. I felt the world blur around me and blood rose to my head making it throb painfully. Demons had Freya as a prisoner, the fact was like fire burning my internal self with soul seeping pain.

I allowed my immense anger to take over.

"HOW DARE YOU!" I bellowed my next words.

"She is unharmed and she will remain so if you just meet the King of Hell." The leader demon said this almost trembling.

My anger was on its peek and I moved my hand destroying all but the leader demon in front of me.

"You made a big mistake by touching her. If she hurt in any way I will destroy Hell no matter the rules, I don't care about them nowadays." I threatened them dangerously and the leader cowered a step back and nodded.

"Like I said she is just there to make you comply with our invitation. She will not be harmed in anyway." He said now losing the entire colour he might have had in him.

Now I was powerful enough to destroy any demon but to rescue Freya I needed the location where demon's resided so I decided to accept the invitation of the King of Hell.

Apollyon, King of Demons was notorious. Angels and Demons usually didn't have any meeting and are always in cold war state. If some demon becomes rogue and reaches out of the boundary then we angels kill them and that was like most of the time.

Like Angels they had the royals, the government, the soldiers and commoners but there were Lethals, demons who are like criminal of human world, they are brutal, deadly and powerful. They killed for fun, used black magic and had power of human possession. They are even known to vanquish souls something even angels can't do.

And they are usually known to be tortures for prisoners to King which Freya was now.

This was first time a King of Heaven and King of Hell will be meeting in Hell. Usually even if they met before my reign it was in Heaven or on neutral grounds.

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