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My Sentinel was here,

Silver lining in darkness around,

He gave me his light,

While himself he drowned.


It could be a dream, it could be some cruel joke played by fate in me but when I saw the tear escape from his eyes, I knew it was him. I never imagined him crying and I never saw him crying, I couldn't dream something so miserable. I had made an angel, my guardian angel cry.

There was relief, anger, guilt, discomfort and apology in his eyes. But the emotion I found solace was immense ardour for me. His expression yelled out the feeling of love for me. I could already feel the pain drifting away. He closed his eyes and wincing placed hand on my face, I felt myself healing, my wounds curing themselves, the pain subsiding something to a dim sting from past injury.

But even though I lost the pain, I still felt lifeless. I tried to smile at him but it came out more like a pained expression. He was not surprised, he knew that as wrong. Of course he did, he was here for me after threatening to destroy half the world or was that a dream? No, it was too surreal to be one. I finally gathered all my strength even making a sweat break at my forehead to say his name.

"Xander? Is it really you?" My voice sounding more like a mumble than filled with joy and adoration at him.

He nodded with a forced smile. I might have been pretty badly injured for him to be forcefully even after seeing me. I wanted to say so many things, apologise, tell him how I loved him and never leave him again, tell him to choose heaven if that what's his mother wanted but something entirely else came out of my mouth.

"Xander, It's too much pain, I feel helpless." I muttered with much difficulty this time blood spluttered out of my mouth.

The horrified look on Alexander's face made me realise my mistake and had no idea why I said so. Well may be because I actually was in unbearable pain but where, I had no idea.

I again pulled my lips reluctantly and painfully for a smile and said, "I am fine."

Obviously he looked totally unconvinced and deep in guilt. I knew that he thought but I was in no situation and condition to prove to him that it was not his fault. I have never seen him looked so sober, miserable and helpless, I knew him as all powerful Archangel.

"Help him Alexander or this amount of pain will bleed her out and shrivel her insides till it reaches the wounded soul." I thought I was too hurt because I heard something like wounded soul from Apollyon's mouth.

"No, don't do what he says." I said coughing out more blood and felt the numbness in my fingers.

Alexander healed me but I had no idea why this was happening.

"Do it." Apollyon gently reminded him.

And before I could protest again, Alexander placed his hand on my heart and closed his eyes. Before doing this his violet eyes found my brown ones and it spelled unbroken, forever lasting, epic love. I knew he was doing something drastic. As soon as he placed his hands on my heart, a pleasant tremble went through me and I felt dizzy. A surge of electricity shot through me and the world around was spinning. The nerves were alive and blood rushed making me warm. The pain died completely and my heart speed joined Olympic racing.

I have never felt so healthy and alive before, for a moment my eyes actually saw myself glowing. But I realised I was so high with power maybe it was just a hallucination.

Alexander had healed me, inside and out filling me with his love and essence.

Over whelmed with love for him, as soon as he sat me down on my feet, I tip-toed and grasped him in a life crushing hug with no intention to letting him go ever again and kissed him with all the passion I could muster, my hands blocking him around his neck trying to pull him closer than he already was.

I heard Apollyon's mocking laughter, I ignored the audience, it was not like me to do public display of affection but this was Alexander and he came to rescue from hell even promising to never rule Heaven, he loved me way more than I could love him. He is the King of Heaven of did all this for a mere mortal girl.

But my fantasy broke when Alexander harshly pushed me away; I always stumbled backward and would have fallen on hurting my head had Apollyon not caught me.

Totally shocked I looked at Alexander. Why did he do that? Did he feel guilty after seeing me so tortured and wanted to keep me away from him? This was so old school and not going to happen.

But when I looked at him my mind went blank and my heart filled with weird agony. His eyes were not my violet; they were charcoal black with a sardonic gleam. He was still that gorgeous and breath-taking handsome but the sense of innocence and safety was lost around him. I had never been as comfortable around boys as I was with Alexander, but now my instincts screamed danger and death.

He looked up at me; a sly crooked grin appeared on his face, evil as hell but also damn sexy! I had the desire to kiss him but for the first time I was scared to get closer.

He was Alexander but he was not my guardian angel.

"What have you done to him?" I asked Apollyon angrily and worried.

I knew saving me would take some toll on him, maybe this was it. But what was it, I still didn't understand.

"Do you think anyone had the power to do something to him?" Apollyon sounded amused.

I knew he was not wrong, Alexander was too powerful.

I stepped forward again, closer to him against my better instincts.

"Alexander, are you ok?" I almost whispered the words tilting my head slightly to get a better look at his face.

I saw a glint of surprise, confusion and annoyance pass in his eyes.

Then he turned towards Apollyon and asked him a question that literally ripped my heart out.

"Who is she?" His voice devoid of any good emotion and filled with hate, threat and arrogance.

"He doesn't remember me?" I inhaled slowly and gently, like a tired breath the words came out of my mouth, the pain inside me resurfacing.

I could actually feel something stuck in my heart with his look of strangeness and anger, aimed towards me.

"Oh no, he doesn't remember anything good now and he never will. Helping you with all the healing his angel power laid dormant now, Alexander is now a Demon." Apollyon's voice resonated with pride.

And I felt the actual darkness of hopelessness built around and I crumbled to ground on my knees letting out a strangled scream of pure agony.

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