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All the boundaries broken,

Of below and above,

I have destroyed in anger,

And now , I am in love.


It took me a little more than intended time to realise that it was a trap. Lizea my lovely aunt sat on my father's seat, no, actually my seat now. She never wanted the throne, she was more of a kind to do dirty works behind the scene. But she sat on it like she meant it, with her back leaned on the throne and her hands kept on the either side on the bronze handle, her silverish white gown spread for more dramatic and regal effect. On the floor just near her feet sat Freya's mother and sister tied up. Mother was still conscious but sister had fainted. I can't believe I had her sister go through so much in her condition.

Her mother looked distraught, she had no idea I was the one who loved her daughter like crazy. Will she approve of me? The thought of worrying about a human not giving me permission was funny since I didn't even listen to anyone in heaven or now hell as matter of fact. But seeing how much Freya loved her mother, I actually needed to get her consent.

"So you are actually as evil as you look." I commented releasing Freya's family with a flick of my finger.

"I had to Alexander. You won't listen nicely; I needed to have another power combined with mine to help me convince you to rule." She looked like a sly fox when she said it.

"Where exactly do you want me to rule?" I tried to clatter her cage.

"Well of course you are not my brother's blood and I don't want dirty demon blood in Heaven but it is your choice of course." Her tone making it very clear she didn't wanted me around.

She knew who I was; one of my fathers' told her.

"Who else knows?" I asked through gritted teeth, my temper was rising.

"No one but me. Your mother was crazy to want you to rule here. Go to the place where you belong and it is no Heaven darling." Lizea said with dagger sweet tone.

My mother wanted to be an Angel, and then I will be one.

"What was the purpose of kidnapping them?" I asked wiping their memory clear of this incident and ordered the messengers to take them back safely.

"Oh you haven't realised? Someone who can make you do anything, we needed that someone." She chuckled evilly as if she created some master plan.

"Freya is under my protective spell, nothing can cross that." I countered a sudden fear building inside me.

"Unless she herself walks out." Lizea elaborated.

"No she won't, she won't do something that dangerous." I muttered furiously mostly to myself.

"But she did Alexander, the note she got also had a little personal message for her. King of Hell had Haylien and Alicia just for fun like I had Freya's family, oh no, they are not meant to be harmed. King of Hell will not bring angel's wrath on him by killing two royals. They were just held to lure in Freya." Lizea solved the puzzle for me.

Realisation hit me hard, "Freya went in as sacrifice to save Haylien and Alicia?"

It was so like Freya to be just a human and yet went in there to protect two angels from a demon. From what point was this scenario sane?

Filled with fury the next instant my hand clutched Lizea neck, hard. Her face grew bright red and she gasped for air.

"Why? I told you not to touch her? Why didn't you listen?" I snarled at her.

She was choking and her eye balls protruded out. Being an archangel I could destroy a lower angel but I let her go before I did something lethal. Her hand went to her throat covering it as if that will stop me. She coughed and tried to breathe giving me a terrified and surprised look. I have never attacked her.

"I had to, I had no other option. King of Hell is frightening." She almost pleaded; maybe the anger in me was evident.

I was no mood for excuses.

"If, if anything happens to her I will destroy everything you love in front of your eyes and then you will not be living to mourning it. You do know I am not completely angel?" I hissed the words at her and she blanched.

I was seething with rage as I walked out of the palace. Freya was my existence, my heart beat, my life, my home... she in danger brought the worst in me. I had no idea how to get to hell without the demon's portal, Haylien was gone who had any idea of what I should do. I was angry and helpless. This combination is deadly because I had nowhere to vent out my anger.

I flew down to look for something that might help me help her. I promised to be with her forever and it brought her this, I was supposed to be her guardian and now she was in Hell because of me. Was I being too selfish to be with her? Was it causing her more pain than happiness?

I would have called Adonael but I was in mood to tell him that I was son of King of Hell.

I stepped in her empty home, place I always wanted to enter but now it brought guilt and pain. I went to her room and allowed myself to imagine her there. What was I suppose to do know? Will I never see her again? My power was useless now, being powerful needed a price and she was paying it for me. The one for whom I decided to use my powers against my own or anyone that meant harm to her.

For the first time in my span of existence I wanted to be a normal boy, for her.

On her bed lay a paper folded neatly, I picked it up and something weird happened inside. I felt my insides squeeze till I felt the pain and emptiness.

I am sorry Alexander. I know you are angry, you always are when someone tries to harm me and I love it! Every girl will love it. But I have nothing else to say besides I am sorry. You know why I had to go, I am tired of being so helpless and a weakness to you. I may not be of much use but I will not hate myself for not going. If you are in as much pain as I am without you then I sincerely beg you to forgive me for this harsh decision and for breaking my promise to never leave no matter what. I realised there are reasons when I could even leave you.

Now do me a huge favour, I am asking because you could never refuse me. Do not come after me, with me as hostage they could try to make you do things that are bad or things that might hurt you or you don't want to do. Try to forget me and find a prettier girl, trust me when I say there are more beautiful girls than me.

------Now bored of you but still love you, Freya.

I could feel her speaking this to me in her pretended upbeat voice. While trying to sound brave she would be blinking back her emerging tears and chew the inside of her cheek, her nervous habit. She thought herself as my weakness, something that was blocking my potential. She didn't have the slightest idea what she meant to me.

She wanted me not to look for her because she was worried for me, she was sorry for breaking her promise of never leaving me.

Her words were overwhelming for me and the rage I bottled up shattered open. I was supposed to be her guardian not the other way round and that girl went to Hell for me.

I was just a guardian angels who was assigned a human to protect, I fell for her, made her my obsession. Why in the name of God she had to love me back with so much passion and trust?

Before I even realise my anger had reached its peak and the sky darkened, the storm brewing inside me was visible outside now. I warned them not to touch her, not to test my patience. Now they will see my wrath and I will annihilate this world down till I find a way to damned Hell and to save Freya. Of course I decided to ignore her request; I was vindictive on being dumped as she was bored with me!

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