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The truth is horrifying,

Yet I couldn't feel ardour fade,

Is it sane?

To love this way?


This can't be, he is not King of Hell's son, and could he be? But the important question, did it matter to me whoever he was? No it doesn't, it didn't matter if he was the King of Hell himself, I loved him unconditionally.

But the scenario changed now not only heaven will be against our relationship but Hell doesn't seem so pleased. From Alexander's silence on my question whether us being together was trouble told me enough that the answer was yes but I didn't bother. Like I said, I was too selfish to let him go for his good or mine. I have read enough books to know that leaving him will bring pain to both him and me and will be good for no one. And I am sacrificial by nature.

"What the hell are you saying?" Alexander's thunderous voice boomed in the hall.

"I am saying but the truth son. I loved your mother when she was guardian angel. Haven't you noticed how your father detests you because he knows you are not his blood?" Apollyon said with utter satisfaction, conniving old man.

I would have said something to calm Alexander down but it was no place for a mere human to interrupt when King of Heaven and Hell talked.

"You are lying." The way Alexander said meant he wasn't so sure himself; he just didn't want it be true.

"Have you never thought about the immense amount of power you have, more than any angel or demon?" Apollyon questioned again, the smug smile plastered on his pale face.

"Who else knows?" Alexander asked for the first time sounding so troubled and innocent.

"Your elder brother knows , who is not actually related to you. The deal he made with demons was to protect your mother and remove the birth mark from you." Apollyon just raised Haylien's respect in my heart and from Alexander's look he had some similar reaction.

"Let Freya go and we will talk." Alexander still wanted to protect after knowing the terrifying truth.

"She stays son till we get a satisfactory answer." Apollyon maintained the cool tone.

"You know about my power right?" Alexander still threatened the King of Hell without even bothering that he was his real father.

"Just choose a side, you know you have to. I have no Heir Alexander. Either you become the King of Heaven or of Hell, you have to make a choice. Whatever side you choose the other side is bound to attack because both Heaven and Hell want you."Apollyon presented the offer.

I realised my boyfriend was pretty popular.

"Do I have a choice? You know I could destroy both Heaven and Hell alone?" Alexander arrogance didn't reduced a bit and I felt proud.

"And destroy the balance of nature just for her. And do you think she will be safe; there is a ruler above us son, one you cannot defy." Apollyon though contradicted his son sounded wary.

Everyone knows about Alexander and his short temper.

"And yes if you put it that way, you do not have any choice. You are to rule Hell since I have no other option and leave Heaven to your brother. Everyone wins and also the girl remains safe." Apollyon offered a closed deal.

"I refuse, Father. I am an Angel and will always be one. I just couldn't shed that part of me and become someone as devious and heartless as your kind." Alexander said his words dripping with poison.

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