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Feeling protected,

Feeling safe,

The most important thing,

Snatched away.


There was blood all around, not too much but enough to make me scream. I am sure Alexander and his siblings heard it because they were next to me in a heartbeat. The plates were shattered and the cushion my sister usually held in her arm was shredded to pieces giving me the bad feeling in my gut.

Tear escaped my eyes my hand raised quickly to wipe it off. Alexander would be guilty as it is, I was not going to be weak and sad, not make it worse for him.

I had an idea who did this. I have seen both now, Angels and Demons. And I knew as manipulative angels were they were not the one to cause so much harm or maybe when it comes to King's matter they went extreme. I moved ahead my slipper crunching the glass beneath my feet and the sound made me cringe every time. They took away my sister and mother, pregnant sister. She was too frail for this.

I picked up the book from between the mess. Faith is Power, a kind of book my mother reads. It strangled my heart to think how she might be hurt, how she believed in God and Angels and she would have to face all this because of me. No, it was not Alexander's fault; it was mine for being so powerless and just a weakness for all.

I pulled out my silver locket, something I always kept hidden in my locket and opened it up. My mother and father smiled backed from within. The locket was frost shaped with sharp edges and looked like shining glass. For some reason I couldn't define I hid the locket from everyone and I just gave it a light peck, wiping the tear forming in my eyes and tucked the locket back inside apologising silently.

Alexander kept his distance as I moved helplessly through the mess. I could hear the furious whispering of Haylien and Alicia but I didn't pay attention, I couldn't pay attention.

Finally I reached to the couch in front of television my sister's favourite spot nowadays.

There lay a black coloured paper. I picked it up without even thinking and opened it.

Since you are so untouchable with your loving guardian around, I thought I will try another way. And let your boy know if he hasn't already realised that since I couldn't break through his protection spell around your house, someone from his side helped me get to your family.

Leave him or you should know it's beginning of your suffering-----With Love, Apollyon.

"I am sorry Freya." Alexander said from right behind me in a really hurt and desperate tone.

I could have said it's not your fault and that I am fine but I couldn't manage myself to say that.

"Help them please." I almost begged him my hands desperately clutching the front of his brown leather jacket.

I broke and tears now trickled down freely. I just looked down and allowed the pain to flow down as tears. He took the sobbing me in his arms and soothingly caressed back of my head. He sighed deeply, his chest heaving under my cheek. His decision was made.

I looked up breaking from the comforting embrace to see the decision in his eyes.

He gave me sad rueful smile. "You know it breaks me to see you crying."

That was a yes, with him I knew he will bring back my family safe and sound. I have seen his power.

"Haylien check on Brenna and Hazel, they might be targeted too." He instructed and his thought and care for me overwhelmed me.

He not only took responsibility for my protection but by loving me he also decided to protect ones I cared about.

"Like I said, it breaks me to see you in pain." He answered my thoughts.

He could sense what I felt and right now I felt immense amount of gratitude.

"Alicia stay with her, protect her. I will put more powerful spell around her this time." His pleasing tone told me it was painful for him to leave me unprotected, to stay away from his watchful eyes.

Alicia nodded and stepped forward to give a reassuring hand squeeze to her brother, "Go, now."

They were gone even before I could blink an eye.

"Stay in your room. I will put some of my own spells and look for any object that demons might have left to harm you or for any suspicious thing outside." Alicia left me.

I slowly dragged myself to the room. Once alone I realised I still had the note in my hand.

Leave him or you should know it's beginning of your suffering.... If I was normal I should heed the warning but I loved more than that. I don't know when the loved grew to such hopeless amount. I loved him even when I didn't know he existed, since I saw those eyes. I loved him when I first saw him, I loved him when he came to library and flirted, I loved him when I missed him like hell when he vanished for a week, I loved him when he came in for the bonfire.

It was just strong attraction I thought, but now my love grew when I found out who he was, my guardian, I loved him more when I saw him with wings, loved him more when I realised what his absence meant, soul wrenching pain. Maybe I loved him more than a usual person because he was my guardian, I had reason to convince me for this strong love.

But I truly realised how much and how dangerously I loved to point of being consumed was when it didn't affect me at all that he was a Demon's son. I knew then that I could never stop loving him. And this fortifies my point, even though being with him put my family in danger, but he was there to rescue them. And even now, I cannot leave, even if it's beginning of my suffering because nothing could be more painful that being away from him.

I was about to throw the note away when I saw the back side, suddenly words appeared on it.

I am a genius! See where Alexander's intellect comes from? He is gone, isn't he? Now the thing is Lizea has your family just for assurance and I have Alexander's, Haylien and Alicia. They are not as strong angels as Alexander, no one is. So I had to get him away for you. My plan quiet worked but for it to work perfectly you have to walk out of the well protected house since no one can enter after God knows what strong protection Alexander put there.

Walk out of your own free will dear or else you become the reason Alexander loses his sibling.

-----With Love, always, Apollyon.

It didn't even take me blink of an eye to decide. For the first time I had the chance to protect something precious to Alexander and I will not give it up.

I hurried down as expected found Alicia was missing.

I had the lingering question in my mind, will it cause trouble for Alexander. But if I didn't went then it will be harder since he seemed to care for his siblings a lot. Did I have an option? I wanted to live but surprisingly I was not afraid to die. I was ready to go back to Hell. Now many would say I was brave and selfless, maybe but when you have powerful people around you who loved you and you are not a help but a weakness for them you need to do such things, atleast I felt so.

I decided to write a note, an apology to Alexander.

I didn't even bother to wear something warm and stepped out in just a t-shirt and jeans. What was the point in wasting good jacket when I was going to Hell.

As soon as I stepped out I felt a shield fold away from me, maybe the protective spell Alexander put on me was broken. I felt panic built inside me, as sudden urge to hide from plain sight and wait for someone to come to hold me but bearing through the harsh cold wind and snow cutting my cheeks, I stood there trembling, my foot stuck to ground like magnet to iron.

Within seconds ghostly men in black surrounded me, I have seen them before. This time I didn't yell and waited for them to take me. As brave as I pretended before they closed in I searched for my violet eyes , before I was sucked into darkness I hoped for my guardian to arrive.

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