Chapter 2

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Clara's POV

I hated the fact that my Dad had to move schools. I don't mind the fact that he is a football coach I just wished that I didn't have to move schools. I walked into AP Biology and I was late given that I got lost and everyone turned around to look at me.

"Miss Preston, you are late," the teacher said.

"Sorry, I got lost," I apologised.

"I'm Mrs Williams and please take a seat next to Colby. Colby please raise your hand," Mrs Williams.

Nobody raised their hand but there was only one spare seat in the class so I assumed that the boy that I was sitting next to was Colby. He was the only one who didn't turn around when the door opened and he had moved as far away from my seat as possible.

He didn't say anything to me the whole lesson and as far as I could tell he wasn't taking notes. I had grabbed my notebook out and started to write down what the teacher was talking about. I glanced over at him. He was very attractive. He had bright blue eyes with light brown hair. He was muscular and he definitely was playing some sport.

The rest of my classes before lunch were better and I found myself talking to a girl in one of my classes. Her name was Paige and she was really pretty. She had short blonde hair and with green eyes she was beautiful. I followed her into the cafeteria for lunch.

I noticed Colby was sitting with the football team so I'm guessing he was a football player. I sat down with Paige and she introduced her to her two other friends.

Misha had dark hair pulled into a tight bun and dark eyes as well. Stacey had lighter brown hair and brown eyes as well and they were both beautiful as well. They both seemed really friendly and they welcomed me to their group.

"How come you moved school?" Paige asked.

"My Dad is the new football Coach," I said.

"Do you get to watch them practice?" Misha asked.

I nodded and they all started talking.

"Those guys are all very attractive," Stacey summed up and we all agreed.

We all headed to our next classes and I headed out to the field after school finished. I had stopped to talk to Paige for a while so they had already started running. They weren't wearing pads and some of them were shirtless and I moved to sit with my Dad.

I saw Colby. He was near the front and I could see that he wasn't nearly as tired as most of the others but he wasn't shirtless because I would have liked to stare at him.

"Do you mind helping out with the ice and water and stuff?" Dad asked.

"Its fine," I said as he called the players together.

They started working on different drills and I didn't have anything to do until the starting quarterback came over and grabbed a drink of water when he had a rest.

"You must be Coach's daughter," he stated

"Yeah, I'm Clara, it is nice to meet you," I said and shook his hand.

"I'm Adam," he added.

I studied him and I realised that he looked similar to Colby. He had the same blue eyes and hair and they had the same jaw line.

"Is Colby your brother?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, have you met him?"

"Yeah, he is my seatmate in Bio."

Adam got called onto the field and he gave me a final nice to meet me before running onto the field. All the players got dismissed and I started to help Dad pick up the equipment. Dad had also named Adam the captain of the team but he was talking to Colby about being the defence captain.

I moved closer to them and I saw Adam join the conversation with the pair.

"Fucking Mr Perfect," Colby mutter and I was close enough to hear him and he left the conversation and I followed him.

"Is that really how you talk to your brother?" I asked.

He turned around and glared at me.

"I don't give a fuck how you think I should talk to my brother because I don't like him," he told me.

"Aren't you supposed to love your family?" I asked.

"You are an only child, right?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Because it is something that someone without a sibling would say. And as for my family I imagine how bad you think your family life is and multiply it by ten and that is closer to how bad my family life is," he told me.

"Seriously, your family isn't that bad," I said.

"You can't judge me because you don't know what fucking goes on in my fucking life and you just need to fuck off and give your opinion to someone that gives a fuck, sweetheart," he said.

The way he said sweetheart was scary because he made it drip with poison. We didn't talk anymore because he headed into the locker room. I stood there in shock for a minute.

"That is Colby for you,' Adam said from behind me.

Dad and I hadn't finished unpacking all our boxes so we walked inside and the boxes where pushed up against the side. We had unpacked enough that I could make food for both of us. I kept it simple and we both sat down at the table.

"What do you think of the team?" I asked.

"They seem to be really good. I like Adam as a captain. I think that he will be good," Dad said.

I had been following football for years and I always went to all the games that my Dad coached and helped with the small things like organising equipment and getting ice. Just from the practice this looked to be one of the better teams that he had coached.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"It was good. I made a couple of friends," I told him.

We didn't talk much more and I headed upstairs to continue unpack. I was part way through my clothes so I turned on some music and I started. I hummed along softly and I was starting to run out of room in my drawers.

Dad came in and said goodnight just before I was finished. I knew that he was going to bed and start planning plays and game strategies. I gave up after a while and just headed to bed and told myself that I would continue tomorrow.


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