Chapter 34

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Colby's POV

We were getting ready for the game against Florida State. I was very excited because Adam was the starting quarterback for Florida. I know how come he was starting but hopefully it meant I would get to annoy him a bit because I was starting as well.

I was one of the first people into the locker room. I took a seat in front of the one that was mine and I sat there thinking about the game. It was silent because everyone else was doing the same thing I was. I was thinking about the game and thinking of plays.

Matthew took a seat next to me as I started to lace up my cleats. I grabbed my phone and I had a message from Clara. She was wishing me luck and that she was going to be watching the game. More and more people started coming in and the locker room got louder and louder.

I was still quiet as Coach called as all to be quite a couple of minutes before we were going to talk onto the field. He had a couple of things to tell us but then we headed out of the locker room and stood in the tunnel waiting to be called out.

The Florida offense was on first and it meant that I was lining up against Adam. Our defence huddled up. Matthew gave us a quick talk before we started to play. The Florida offense was good and I batted a couple of passes down as they marched down the field.

Adam aired a pass towards me and I out-leapt the receiver and pulled down the ball. I made a tight turn and started down the field. I got a couple of good blocks and after stiff arming Adam I made it into the end zone.

I got swamped by my teammates and I smirked at Adam. I think that was the best thing about it was that the intercept was off Adam. I got high-fived by Coach but I had to head back onto the field moments later.

We won the game 45-10 and I ran into Adam at the end of the game. It was a very formal and forced conversation because I hadn't seen him for a couple of months. I don't really know why he wanted to talk to me but I didn't want to argue with him.

The locker room was loud and I found it a little awkward because I was the centre of attention and I hate that. It wasn't unexpected after the picked six and two other interceptions. We had to deal with media not long later and this was what I was more nervous about.

I got asked a lot of questions about the plays and the game but then I got asked about Adam.

"What is it like playing against your twin brother?" someone asked.

"Adam isn't my twin brother. He is older than me. It was fun because Adam and I don't get along so it was fun to come out with the win over them," I said with a slightly smile.

I got let go a couple of minutes later and I was glad to be left alone. I sat down and I was finally able to text Clara back. She had sent me a couple of texts and I got to respond to them. I started to pack up my stuff before we had to leave.

Matthew came in and looked around the empty locker room.

"Are you always the last ones to leave or do you just space out?" he asked.

I glanced up to see that everyone else had left. I hadn't even realised. I pulled my jacket on and followed him out of the locker room. Just as we got out of the stadium we ran into Adam and a couple of other Florida State players.

"I don't want to talk to you," I told Adam and tried to push past them but Adam stopped me.

"How is life going for you? What is it like playing for the Crimson Tide?" Adam asked and I knew what he was talking about.

I really didn't want to talk about this. I thought that I was finished with these stupid conversations. I didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"I guess that you haven't told your new friends," Adam teased.

I continued to move away from them but the Florida players followed up.

"Maybe I should tell them?" Adam asked smirking.

We had reached the rest of my team and I had clenched my fists but I didn't want to punch Adam. The team was looking at both of us because they all knew that Adam was my brother.

"Fine, you want to tell them. I don't give a shit," I snapped at Adam.

"Colby is damaged and he is colour blind," Adam said.

No one had said anything about what Adam had said. Adam and the rest of the Florida players left not long later and it had now been three days. I think that they are a little bit surprised but I don't really care.

We were well into our class for the year. I was studying to become an Athletic Trainer and the course work was interesting but with my memory it wasn't hard so far. Clara was constantly complaining to me that she couldn't remember things like I could.

I was getting used to the balance of training and school work. I was roommates with James who is a freshman running back. I was still the last one out on the field or in the gym. I was sitting out on the field talking to Clara.

I really wanted to go and see her but I didn't have the time. I couldn't afford to miss training or classes so it wasn't possible. I missed talking to her and we were talking about Adam. I had told her about what happened after the game.

"I can't believe that I can't get rid of Adam," I said.

"Hey, at least you get to intercept him now and you don't have to deal with him as often," Clara smiled.

I rolled my eyes because I knew that she would have a positive spin on it. We kept talking for at least an hour before Clara decided that she should start her homework. I had to hang up and I headed up to my own dorm.

James was in there and he was lying on the floor.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

"I don't get this," he moaned.

I looked at the open book that was on the desk.

"This isn't that hard," I told him smirking.

"Because you are a fucking genius," he moaned.

I just laughed at him but I did show him how to do it. James thanked me for my help just as Matthew barged into our room.

"Welcome, thank you for knocking, come in, sit down, do you want a drink?" I teased.

He glared at me but then told us that some of the team were in his room and we were both invited. I was finished with my homework so I followed Matthew out of the room. James decided that he was going to join us so he came with us.

I pushed open the door and just started at everyone. I'm guessing that everyone was wearing green or red.

"Come on, are you serious?" I asked.

Matthew smirked at me and I moved over to his him.

"I knew that it was your idea," I said with a smile.

"We thought that it would be a bit of fun," he teased.

I moved around and hit most of the guys in the room.

"So do you ever were anything other than black, white and grey?" someone asked.

I just laughed because I missed this. I really liked these guys as my teammates.


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