Chapter 9

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Colby's POV

We had another football game tonight. I hadn't taken Clara's offer to go around to their house again this week. Clara and I had started talking a bit more but she still annoyed me at times. Dad and I still hadn't really talked about the dinner the other night and I wasn't going to apologise.

Dad and I have never had a good relationship and I can't remember the last time that we had a nice conversation, or even the last time he complemented me. We started warming up and the other team turned up.

Calvin, Adam and I walked to the centre of the field and the captains of the other team joined us. They won the toss and it meant that their offense was on the field first. I strapped my helmet on and ran onto the helmet.

We walked into the locker room and everyone had their heads down. We were down 35-7. The one touchdown came from my interception. Adam had had thrown three interception and there were so many dropped balls.

I had pulled a good game for the defence and the receiver I was up against hadn't caught a ball yet. I can't say the same for the rest of the team. Everyone was silent in the locker room. I had to pull everyone together. I jumped up onto the bench and instantly got everyone's attention.

"We aren't the team that just came off the field. We deserve to be better. We shouldn't be the one down. We are the ones that are practicing all the time but we need to pull it together. The offensive line needs to protect Adam. Adam you need to be smarter and throw better. The defence needs to actually stop the offense and we need to pull tougher. We deserve the win more than them. We are going to pull it together and win," I said.

Everyone was silent as I wasn't usually the one to pull everyone together. I was known for being pessimistic. Coach added a bit more before we headed out onto the field. The offense was on first after they kicked off. Adam had the ball and I looked at Adam.

He aired at the ball and it was a pretty bad throw. Clearly he hadn't listened to me. It hit the ground luckily so that it wouldn't be another interception. He aired out the next pass as well and one of the receivers and he just dropped it. I seriously wanted to grab him and shake him.

The rest of the game was just as bad and we headed into the locker room well and truly defeated. Adam was already in there and he was trying to pull the team together.

"We are going to pull it together next week and everyone will be better," Adam said.

Everyone started talking about the improvements that they were going to make and how they were going to play better and I seriously wanted to hit someone.

"Do you guys just not listen to me because I literally said the same thing any nobody listened to me," I snapped.

Everyone looked at me like I was mental.

"Do you guys not think of me as part of the team?" I asked.

I just snorted when no one said anything.

"I guess I will see you on Monday when I come to TEAM training," I said.

I pushed the door open and I saw Calvin walking in and I didn't want to deal with him.

I knew that the team didn't like me that much but I thought that they would listen to me. I tried to pull everything together but no one wanted to listen to me. I ran into Clara and she started to say something but I pushed past her. I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

I found myself sitting on the cliff. I was staring out at the water but since it was dark I couldn't see much. I had had a good game but no one else had. I was glad that the Alabama scout hadn't come to that game.

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