Chapter 27

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Colby's POV

When I went home the next morning some of my extended family was still here. They all looked at me and I stood in front of Dad.

"We need to talk," I said.

He couldn't intimate me anymore because I wasn't the tiny kid that I used to be. We moved into the lounge so that Mom could hear this conversation as well and I knew that everyone else was going to listen as well.

"I would like to think that I had raised a better kid than that. Not someone that curses out their family and is as rude as that," he started.

"You forgot my fucking birthday," I told him.

"You didn't say anything," he said.

"I shouldn't have to," I exclaimed.

"You think that everything should be handed to you. It isn't Colby. Just because you got into a college doesn't mean you are any good."

"I wasn't asking for a fucking miracle. I was asking for a happy birthday. You think that me getting in Alabama was luck. I work my ass off every single day to get that chance."

"Sure, if that is what you think."

"You don't know a fucking thing about me. Ninety percent of the time that I'm out of the house outside of school hours I'm on the field working," I snapped.

"And where were you last night?" he asked.

"I was at Clara's place because she actually cared for me."

"You should have told me. We were worried."

"Don't lie to yourself. I think that I'm done with this conversation," I said.

Dad looked like he was about to say something but I went to leave the room. The extended family in the room looked a little shocked with the argument but for me this is the normal. Adam grabbed my arm to stop me leaving the room. I turned around and pushed him backwards. He stumbled and had to let go of my arm.

I quickly headed up to my room. I saw my Christmas presents on my bed and I dumped them on the floor. I didn't really care for any of them. I would be glad when we start school again after Winter Break finishes.

I called Clara because I wanted someone to talk to. She answered immediately and she let me rant to her. I just wanted to let it out and Clara said that she was fine to listen. After I got my anger out we started talking about other things.

Mom knocked on my door and then came on before I could protest. She got me to hang up on Clara so that she could talk to me. She sat down on the end of the bed and I looked at her. Mom and I were never close because she would never break up the fights between me and Dad.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

"We need to talk about the arguments between you and Dad," she said.

"You don't step in and stop them. I'm not going to change to stop them," I told her.

"It's not about change. It's about being respectful."

"He's not respectful to me so why should I be respectful to him?"

"He is you Father," she said.

"This conversation is over. I don't want to talk to you," I said.

I was so glad to be walking back into school after our break finished. Clara was waiting for me outside and she wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Glad to be back?" she asked.

"Not so much glad to be here but glad to be out of the house," I said.

We headed into the school and immediately ran into Clara's friends. They all started gossiping and I just laughed. They seemed to have a million things to say even though they saw each other a couple of days ago.

I headed to class and let the girls catch up. The bell was going to ring in a couple of minutes anyway. Coach had told me a bit about the team that we were going to play in the first round of the playoffs and apparently their offense was really good.

I had found tape of them playing and I had spent a couple of days analysing it so I knew what to expect. They had a couple of good receiver which made them a threat because there wasn't just one that they rely on in tight situations.

Clara came in after the bell had rang and she took her seat next to me and the teacher started the lesson not long later. She started by telling us that the semester had started and that it wasn't time to slack off.

I didn't really care what she was saying so I tuned out and starting thinking about the football game this week. It was at home and it made the game better for us having out spectators around up. Coach made sure to remind us that this game was important.

"We have worked all year for this and we need to work our asses off so that we get to play next week," he told us at the beginning of training.

We all nodded before dispersing to start training. Even though I didn't really like my teammates I did miss being out here on training with them. We started running drills and I was glad to be back out on the field.

We ended up playing a game. The defence formed one team that was coached by Coach Thompson. I was starting on and Adam and the offense started on the 25. The first play was a pass play to the other side of the field.

They got most of the way down the field without a pass going near me. The ball was snapped and Adam was looking around to find someone open. The only person sort of open was the receiver I was up again because we were so deep down the field so I would have room to catch up if it was thrown to him.

He aired the pass out to the receiver and I saw that he slowed down to catch it. This gave me time to catch up and I could bat the ball uncomplete. I had to jog back to the line of scrimmage which was a good thirty yards.

We finished half an hour later but I wasn't going to leave yet. Clara just smiled at me but she headed home with her Dad. I grabbed the cones out and started an obstacle course. This is what I missed when I was injured.

It was dark so I had to turn the lights on and I knew that I was starting to tire. I started to pack up the cones when I noticed that Adam was standing on the edge of the field. I knew that he had left before and he had changed so he must have come back after he went home.

I walked over to him and groaned because I didn't want to have yet another argument with someone from my family.

"What do want because I don't want to have another argument?" I asked.

"I was just coming to talk to you about the arguments," he said.

"I've heard it from Mom and Dad so I don't need to hear it from you. I'm leaving soon and you won't have to deal with me again," I said.

He tried to say something but I silenced him with a glared.

"Shut up before I make you," I told him before heading into the locker room.

I was sick of this shit.


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The Wise One

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