Chapter 16

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Clara's POV

Dad sat opposite me at dinner and it was awkward because we still haven't talked about my date with Colby. I was angry with Dad because I should be able to date who I want.

"What is wrong with Colby?" I asked.

"I'm just looking out for you and I'm worried that he might hurt you," he said.

"Colby isn't going to hurt me," I protested.

"Have you seen his temper?"

"He isn't going to hurt me and even if he was I'm going to get hurt sometime and you have to let that happen," I said.

Dad didn't say anything and I took that as a sign that the conversation was over. I grabbed my plate off the table and placed it in the dishwasher. I then headed upstairs and shut the door to my room. I started doing my homework instead.

I was so confused what was happening with my Bio homework and I called Colby so see if he could explain it to me. It went to voicemail and I left a message. I was wondering what he was doing as usually he was fast to answer his phone.

"Hey Colby, just call me back when you can because I'm stuck with my Bio homework and I was wondering if you could help me," I said.

I always felt weird leaving voicemails and I hung up before it could get even worse. I moved on from my Bio homework and decided to do something that I actually knew what to do. I fell asleep before I heard back from Colby and it meant that I didn't do my Bio homework.

Dad was already downstairs when I got up and we moved around each other in silence. I still was yet to hear from Colby so I was hoping to talk to him at school. I headed to Bio and saw that Colby was there but he had fallen asleep on the desk.

I didn't want to wake him so I let him sleep. Our teacher didn't really mind that much and he didn't wake for the whole class. I did have to wake him when the bell rang.

"Did I sleep the whole class?" he groaned, still half asleep.

"Yeah, what happened last night?" I asked.

We headed out of the classroom together and he didn't say anything. We headed off in different directions so I didn't get an answer out of him. I wasn't going to push it out of him because he is very closed and I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

I didn't see him until football training and I didn't get a chance to talk to him until after. I sat down on the side of the field and watched him train for a while. I didn't interrupt him because I knew that it was his way to let his anger out and I wasn't going to stop him.

He finished about an hour later and came to sit down beside me.

"You didn't have to wait for me," he said.

"I wanted to."

"Can I take you out tonight?" he asked.

I nodded and we arranged for him to pick me up from my house in an hour. I called Paige and asked her to help me get ready and she was at my house before I was.

"I'm glad that you can come," I said and showed her my room.

She started looking through all my dress while I started to do my hair. I was leaving my hair loose and straightened it slightly. Paige held up a green dress and I shook my head. I wanted to wear something that Colby could see properly. I ended up in a navy blue dress with gold belt and gold heels.

Paige then helped me with my makeup and she did an amazing job.

"You never told me who you were going out with," Paige added.

I just looked at her because I thought that it was pretty obvious.

"You are going out with Colby?" she asked.

"There you are. You figured it out all by yourself," I teased.

She pouted at me and we headed downstairs together. I didn't see Dad and I think that he was in the office. Paige left and it meant that I had to wait for Colby. I heard this motorcycle outside and I walked out to see him still straddling it. I walked over to him and he handed me a helmet.

"You look beautiful," he told me.

I pulled the helmet on and took a seat behind him before wrapping my arms tightly around him. We left my driveway and headed out. I didn't pay attention to where we were going and we ended up at a small restaurant not far from school.

Colby had already booked a table and we both sat down and ordered so that the waitress would leave us alone.

"Are you still tired?" I asked thinking about this morning.

"A bit but I went home and slept for almost an hour so I feel better. I feel like I offer you an explanation," he added.

"I'm not forcing you do to anything," I said and grabbed his hands across the table.

"I had another argument with my Dad last night and it was pretty ugly. I didn't call you back because I was still angry and I didn't want to accidentally yell at you. I didn't sleep well but it nothing out of the ordinary. Especially after a bad argument I just have it running through my head and I have trouble sleeping."

I felt so bad for him because he grew up in this family that was constantly comparing him to someone else and telling him bad he was when he is really a good person at heart and he has trouble showing that side of him now.

We didn't talk about it anymore and I think that Colby was glad because it is difficult to talk to someone about that sort of thing. Colby paid for dinner and we headed out to Colby's spot on the cliff again.

I didn't know how he found this place to begin with but it was beautiful and I love how peaceful it is and I think that Colby appreciates that even more than I do. Colby had given me his jacket because it was cold and I was still cuddling up to him because he was really warm.

"Do you wish sometimes that you could change your family and make your experiences better?" I asked.

"I have thought about it a lot. I think that the only reason that I survived my childhood was because I spent most of it out on the football field and I guess that I don't want to change that," he mused.

"Sometimes I wish that my parents were split up because there are times that I need a Mom but I'm still pretty happy," I added.

We were silent for a few minutes. I felt Colby's phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulled it out. I couldn't read the message but I saw that it was from his Dad.

"I have to go home. Do you mind if I take you home?" he asked.

I didn't want to move from here but I knew that we both had to go home so I nodded. It didn't take us long to make it back to my house. I got off his bike and gave him back his jacket.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

I kissed his cheek before heading towards the house.


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