Chapter 44

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Colby's POV

Our wedding is tomorrow and Clara is very nervous. I'm not so nervous but that is probably because she is organising most of it. Jack let us use the high school friend so the guys and I headed over to use it to train.

There was James and Matthew from Alabama, TJ and Leon who I met at the Pro Bowl. TJ and I often train together so we let the others join in. Matthew and James knew about part of it but they didn't realise that we had made it harder.

We all started to warm up together. We were all NFL players so we were all pretty fit but TJ and I worked harder. James was the only one that wasn't a defensive back so some of the drills weren't as useful but he still did them.

All the cones are still in the same place they were when I was here. I quickly set up all the cones and we kept training. I don't know how long we were out there but we were all exhausted. James and Matthew were lying on the ground exhausted.

TJ and I were breathing heavily but we weren't as tired as the others. We all headed back to Jack's house and we began to talk about our upcoming season. The NFL draft had just been on and I think that we got some good prospects and I was excited to start playing again.

Clara and Kendall were the only girls in the kitchen when we headed in. Kendall was staring at some of the guys because we were all shirtless. I kissed Clara lightly but I didn't hug her because I know that it annoys her when I'm sweaty.

Adam was back in town as well but he was with our parents and as far as I know they don't know that's I'm in town as well.

"You guys all need to go shower," Clara teased.

I laughed and there was a fight for the shower and I think that James won that fight. After we were all showered Clara started dividing up jobs for all of us. TJ and I had to go grocery shopping and the list was crazy long.

I don't even know why we were getting half these thing but there was no point arguing with Clara at the moment. She was slightly stressed about the wedding. TJ and I were talking as we grabbed items and someone bumped into me. I looked up to see all three member of my family and I think that Tj figured out who they were.

"How come you aren't staying with us?" Mom asked.

"I'm staying with Clara and her Dad," I said.

"I didn't think that you would still be with her," Adam said.

Adam had had an alright rookie season. It was good enough that he would still be playing for the Saints next year but it wasn't great.

"Of course I'm still with her. She is my fiancée," I told him.

I don't think that they knew what to say.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Dad asked.

"Because you never cared about me. Why should I tell you when all you ever did to me was make my life miserable? "

"Well then all you will ever have is Clara and you will probably end up getting divorced after your NFL career fails," Dad teased.

I looked down for a second in the hope that they wouldn't notice how much they affected me. Before I could say anything TJ jumped in instead.

"This is how you treat Colby. If you knew anything about Colby you would know how fucking hard he works. He is probably the only reason that I am as fit as I am because Colby is the most fucking stubborn human being that there is. He is an amazing person and he is an amazing player and he shouldn't have to listen to this bullshit," TJ said.

"Who are you?" Dad asked.

"How I am not surprised that you don't know who I am? You seem to have a talent at watching shitty football if you watch Adam over Colby. I'm TJ Harris, Pro-Bowl cornerback for the Texans," TJ said calmly.

I smirked at my family and we continue to keep shopping.

"Thanks," I said.

I was starting to get nervous. I was getting married in less than an hour. TJ and I were sitting alone as the other three guys had disappeared that I was too afraid to ask where they were going. We sat there and my hands started shaking.

TJ started laughing at me and I hit him. The other three joined us and they didn't say where they had been. I don't think that I wanted to know.

"You have about ten minutes before the wedding starts," Leon warned us.

I nodded and we stood up and walked into the church. A lot of Clara's family was already here and I found Grandma who was the only family that I invited. She hugged me tightly and smiled at me.

"Look at little Colby growing up," she teased.

I nodded before hugging her again. I couldn't believe that I was getting married. The priest came in and told us that it was about start. The five of us headed down the aisle and I heard the music starting.

I could help but turn around when I knew that Clara was going to be walking down the aisle. She had her arm wrapped her Dad. She was wearing a floor length dress. The top was tight and the bottom flowed out. All the bridesmaids and maid of honour looked beautiful but I didn't care.

Jack whispered something to Clara and she hugged him before letting go of him. She stood opposite me and the priest started to say all the official stuff. We both said our vows and the I dos and we were finally married.

I kissed her softly and I was able to say that she was mine. We headed outside for photos. The first couple were of just me and Clara before the rest of the party joined us. One of my favourite ones was when no was actually looking at the camera because everyone was laughing.

The whole reception was crazy because everyone kept coming up to us and saying how happy they were and a lot of them I didn't even know. At last Clara and I were alone for the first time and we just liked the silence.

"How does it feel to be Mrs Wood?" I asked.

"It's pretty cool. I like it a lot," she said softly.


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