Chapter 33

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Colby's POV

We were into the last week of training before our first game. I couldn't wait to get out on the field. Coach had told me that I had earned the starting spot which I was excited but nervous about. I was a freshman and I was getting to start in the first game of the year.

I proved to Coach over and over that I deserved it. I was working and studying film every day over summer and I was able to keep up with the pace of the team.

"So everyone that is it for the day and that includes you Wood," Coach ordered.

Everyone looked and laughed at me. I was known for being the last one out on the field or the last one left studying film. I smirked at Coach but I wasn't stupid enough to not listen to him. We all headed into the locker room.

"You heard him shorty, not more training for you," Matthew teased.

I had been nicknamed Shorty by the team because I was the shortest player on the team. I pushed Matthew and he stumbled into one of the offensive linemen who didn't appreciate it.

"What are you going to do with your free time?" Brandon asked.

"I'm going to FaceTime my girlfriend and see how she is fitting in her college since she moved in today," I said as I headed towards the showers.

I didn't spend long in the locker room because I wanted to go and talk to Clara. My roommate was gone and I grabbed my phone out. Clara answered immediately and I could see that she was already in her dorm.

"How is it?" I asked.

"It's pretty cool and my roommate seems nice but I think that Dad was a bit upset to see me go," she said.

"You are his only kid, he is going to worry about you," I teased.

Clara scowled at me and I let it go. We continued to talk for a while longer because I missed talking to her as much as I used to. I heard someone knock on my dorm room and I opened it while still talking to Clara.

Matthew, Brandon, Cam and Hunter were standing in the doorway. They all waved at Clara and she smiled at them because she knew most of them.

"We are going to steal your boyfriend," Brandon told Clara.

She just laughed and told me to go and have fun with my teammates.

"Come on, I thought you were on my side," I teased.

Everyone laughed at me and Clara hung up a couple of minutes. The guys wouldn't tell me what we were doing so I didn't ask again and followed them out of my dorm. We headed down Matthew knocked on a dorm room door. I didn't know whose it was but I would guess that it was one of the senior players. I was pushed in first and I immediately knew that it was freshman initiation. I was slightly nervous after my experiences with my high school team.

I got handed a bottle of beer and told to start drinking it. This wasn't hard but I'm not a big fan or beer. I took a couple swigs of it but I wasn't going to drink it all at once. All the freshmen were lined up against the wall in a line

I wasn't sure what to think of this but I could see Matthew smirking at me I was starting to get a little nervous.

"Alright freshmen you are all paired up with a senior and you are their slave for the week," Matthew ordered.

I looked at the rest of the freshmen and I could see the fear in their eyes. I knew that this was not something that I was going to stand for.

"I'm not going to do it," I said.

Everyone looked at me and I knew that this was not something that freshmen usually did.

"I don't give a shit what you think of me because I've dealt with shitty teammates for my four years as at high school and it doesn't faze me. I don't care about this shit and you can complain as much as you want but I'm not going to do your fucking homework or whatever. I'm here to play fucking football" I snapped.

No one said anything and I put the beer down on the table and left the room. I wasn't going to deal with this.

The next day's training was a little bit awkward. I knew that the other freshmen had followed the rules and I knew that they were taking part in freshman initiation. I stood alone in the locker room when some of the seniors approached me.

"Come on Colby, you have to do this," Brandon said.

"I'm not doing this again. Not now, not ever again," I snapped and I wanted to stop talking about it.

"Not ever again?"

"I'm not talking about it. I'm not dealing with the bullshit I dealt with again that I dealt with four years ago. I'm not going to tell you about it because I don't talk about me," I snapped.

"Come on Colby, what is your problem?"

I didn't say anything. The team already knows that I am very quiet. After having everything rubbed in my face and having my flaws broadcasted. I wasn't going to tell these guys that I don't know because I don't know what they were going to do with them. I know that they probably aren't going to hurt me but I can't take the chance.

Luckily Coach called us out onto the field so that I didn't have to answer. Matthew and Brandon were both looking at me and I made sure to stand away from them. Coach started training and I was glad to be distracted.

I stayed longer than everyone else so that I could keep myself distracted. Coach looked at me as training finished and I just smirked at him and continued to run. When I made it to the locker room it was completely empty.

I pulled my pads off and sat down on the ground. I leant again the wall and started to think. I wanted to be friends with the team but I didn't know how to. I wasn't used to having friends and having to open up to them.

I showered and changed before heading up to my dorm room. Cam, Hunter, Brandon and Matthew were all sitting in my dorm. I dropped my bag and looked at all four of them. I took a seat at the desk and turned around to look at them.

"You know that we want to be friends with you. You don't have push us away," Cam started.

I offered a slight smile to all of them and I let them continue to talk.

"But you have to let us get to know you a bit better. Sometimes you have to explain yourself a little bit," Hunter continued.

"I'm only seventeen so I'm young for my year. I wanted to fit in and I was a freshman when I was first part of the football team. My brother was also on the team and the rest of the players made fun of me. I just wanted to fit in and then I realised that they were just using me. I can't do that to myself again," I explained.

I don't really thinking that the guys really knew what to say.

"I don't want to talk about it. I just want to move on," I added.

The guys nodded and we started a causal conversation and it was nice to have friends on the team.


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The Wise One

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