Chapter 22

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Colby's POV

Adam was going on and on about how good his trip to Florida was. I was yet to mention that I had committed to Alabama. I still couldn't really believe that Alabama wanted me because it seemed unreal. We only had two games before playoffs, which we were hopefully going to make.

We were all sitting in the cafeteria because it was now too to sit out on the field being December. After the last two games we go on Winter Break and we start the playoffs after we come back to school in January.

I stopped listening to Adam talk about Florida quite a while ago. I heard about it on Sunday night, then all of Monday and now today as well. My family hadn't even asked me about Alabama but I guess I'm used to it now.

In the end I just stood up and left the table to join Clara and her friends. They were talking about some girly thing but I took a seat next to Clara. She smiled at me and everyone else continued to talk but I liked that. Clara's friends were scared of me and I think that is because of Clara.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm just sick of Adam going on about Florida," I told her.

Clara laughed and continued to talk to her friends. I let them talk as I continued to eat. The bell rang and I groaned because I didn't feel like going to class. Clara just laughed after me and gave me a soft kiss. I slowly stood up and headed towards my class.

Adam hadn't stopped talking when I got to training. I quickly escaped the locker room and walked onto the field. It was cold outside and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt but I knew that I wouldn't be worrying about it once we started moving.

I walked over to Clara and she was bundled up.

"You know that you don't have to stay out here," I told her.

She nodded but I knew that she wasn't going to be going home. I almost laughed at her but I didn't and started to warm up as more of the team came out and started complaining about the cold. Coach heard that I knew that we were going to be doing a lot of fitness.

"Since you guys are all so cold we are going to be doing a lot of moving," he told us.

Coach got me to lead the guys in a warm up which was mostly running around the field. I was warm once we finished and Coach got us to all line up in the end zone. We started sprinting and we didn't stop for the next two hours.

By the time we finished most of the players had stopped sprinting quite a while ago. I was still running as fast as I could and I usually had a gap between me and the next person. Coach finally stopped training and everyone else collapsed on the ground.

I stood there and I took in as much air as I could. Clara offered me water and I quickly took it.

"I'm guessing you don't feel like an extra training," she teased.

"No, do you want to do something then?" I asked.

She smiled and I quickly headed to go shower and change. I pulled on jeans and a windbreaker before finding Clara standing in the hallway. I wrapped an arm around me so that I could I could pull her closer.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

I just smirked at her. She groaned and I led her to my motorcycle. I left here there for a couple of minutes while I went home and grabbed the second helmet. She was standing in the same place I left her and I handed her the helmet.

"Do you know what the speed limit is?" she teased.

"Only when I have a beautiful girl with me," I teased back.

She blushed deep red but jumped on the bike behind me. I knew where we were going and I thought that she would enjoy it as well. I don't think she realised where we were going until we got there.


"No, I brought you to the bowling alley to do our Bio homework," I mocked.

Clara won both our games of bowling and I dropped her home. I pulled into our driveway and I saw that both my parents were already home. I walked through the door to see that Dad had some of his workmates sitting in the lounge.

I didn't want to deal with that incoming disaster so I headed upstairs before anyone saw me. Unfortunately this didn't work because Dad saw me.

"Colby, come and join us," Dad said.

I groaned but I walked back down the stairs. It wasn't worth starting an argument. I forced a smile on my face and took a seat. People were talking around me and I wasn't listening to any of it. I really didn't care. I heard someone call my name and I turned to talk to some guy.

"Do you know where you are going to college?" the man asked.

"Alabama, they offered me a full scholarship," I told him.

I hadn't told my parents that yet. I only told Clara last night that they offered me a full scholarship. I took it straight away because there was other college that I would even want to consider. Dad must have heard me say that because he turned and looked at me.

"Colby, you never told me that," Dad said.

"You never asked," I retorted.

The man then started talking to me about college and football. I didn't really care about this either but it was better than the conversation before. I got sick and tired of this conversation and I faked a yawn.

"I'm tired and I'm going to go to bed," I said.

No one said anything else to me and it meant I could escape again. I quickly ran to my room and shut the door. It was one of the best times that Dad has had workmates around because I didn't get bashed the whole time.

I lay down in bed and then woke the next morning. I changed quickly so that I could go and run. It was even colder than yesterday. I put my headphones in and started to run. When I came back home everyone was already in the kitchen.

"You didn't tell us about Alabama," Mom said.

I hummed softly because I didn't want to start an argument. I moved around the kitchen and I enjoyed the silence.

"You are meant to tell us that sort of thing," Dad said.

"You wouldn't take me so I went with someone else. You were too worried about Adam to care for me," I snapped.

Nobody said anything else because they knew that I was right. I left the kitchen and grabbed my gear bag from upstairs. It was still silent downstairs and I was about to walk out the door when Dad said something.

"I don't really know why Alabama wants Colby. He isn't that good," Dad said thinking I had left.

I didn't say anything and I continued out the door making sure to slam it behind me.


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