Chapter 48

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Colby's POV

Christian and I had spent a lot of time out on the field together. Working with him I started to enjoy playing receiver more. I hadn't had to play receiver and I was glad because I wouldn't want to do that ever again. It was exhausting.

We had finished training and we took a seat on the field. I knew that Christian had something on his mind because he was distracted most of the time that we were practicing. I slowly pulled my cleats off and I knew that Christian was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"My Dad is going to be at the game this week," he said dully.

"How come?" I asked.

"I don't know. He called me and told me that he was coming and I'm really worried about it."

"Christian, look how well you have played this year. I doesn't matter what he thinks because you have played really well all year and it doesn't matter what he says because that is all trying to pull you down and you don't have to listen," I told him.

He nodded but he was still unsure.

"Shitty quarterbacks don't turn this offense around like you have. Shitty quarterbacks aren't up for rookie of the year. You aren't a shitty quarterback. Anyone in this franchise are going to tell you."

He nodded and I offered him a hand up.

"Thanks for that," he said.

"I know exactly what it is like to be shoved down by your Dad. We are both good players and people. We don't need to listen to them anymore," I reminded him.

He nodded again as we walked into the locker room. There were still a few people in here but it was mostly empty. I changed into sweats and a Texans shirt before heading to a defensive meeting. We were playing the Pats and they have a very good offense. It was going to be a tough game.

We were talking about plays and coverages for most of the meeting. We were watching a lot of film of plays that they run. I had watched a lot of this film by myself but it is different having someone else look at it as well because sometimes someone else sees something else.

We finished and I headed into the dining hall for dinner. I was quickly joined by the rest of the defence. We had all grabbed food and we started to talk about the upcoming game. Christian joined us once he was finished with his own meeting and I could still see how nervous he was.

Our game is in New England so we leave tomorrow morning. I had to head home and get organised so Christian and I weren't the last ones to leave for once. I headed home and Clara wasn't home yet. I didn't bother starting to make food because Clara always seemed to want something different.

I started to organise all my stuff. We were going to be coming back after the game so I didn't need much. I was just finishing when I heard Clara walk in. I left our bedroom and joined Clara in the kitchen.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked her.

She shrugged so I opened the fridge and grabbed out ingredients for chicken and rice. She looked at the ingredients and she nodded. I started cooking after telling her to go sit down. It didn't take me long to finish and give her a plate of food.

We sat down and started to talk about our days. Clara was going to watch and game and have a couple of friends from work around. We were leaving early tomorrow morning so I headed to bed early. Clara was feeling tired so she joined me.

I woke up to my alarm the next morning. Clara was still asleep so I didn't want to wake her. I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the bedroom. I quickly made breakfast for myself before heading back into the bedroom.

I lightly kissed her and wrote her a quick note for her when she woke before leaving home. We gathered at the buses and headed towards the airport. It was a five hour flight to Boston and I sat down next to TJ.

I was still tired so I started to sleep. Someone rested their legs across mine as I fell asleep. I slept the whole way to Boston. I woke up to TJ's legs across mine and I don't know why but Blake was lying on the floor. I pushed TJ's legs off me just as we landed. I woke the two defensive backs around me.

We climbed off the plane and headed to the hotel. TJ and I were sharing a room like we usually do. I dumped my stuff on the bed and headed out of the room to the defensive meeting. It didn't run for long and we had dinner and the rest of night passed quickly.

We headed to the stadium early and we headed out on the field to warm up. I stood in the middle of the field and looked up the sky. It was grey and cloudy and starting to snow. It was going to change the game.

We won the toss and gave them the ball to start the game. The snow didn't look like it was going stop any time soon; if anything it was going to get worse. They started on the 25 and we ran onto the field.

I was trying as hard as I could to not fall in the snow. The Pats' quarterback threw the ball towards me. The ball was overthrown but I stretched myself out and grabbed the ball before landing on my stomach and sliding forward.

I groaned as I landed. I was glad that it got the offense on the field because I was winded. I slowly stood up and walked off the field, making sure to breath. I pulled my helmet off and started to regain my breath.

"Are you alright?" Coach asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine once I regain my breath," I told him.

He nodded and moved onto talk to someone else. I joined the rest of the defensive backs on the side lines and we started talking. The game was close the whole way and we were up by four with a minute left and the Pats were driving.

We had to stop them from getting a touchdown. With six seconds left the ball was coming towards me as I was sprinting down the side lines. I didn't need to catch it. I just needed to bat it down. I got my hands in the way before rolling onto the ground, the ball bouncing onto the ground.

The receiver landed on top of me and his helmet hit my stomach. I groaned and just lay there for a minute before the receiver got off me and Blake offered me a hand. I used it to pull myself up and we started to cool down.

I headed into the locker room and responded to Clara's text. I wasn't needed for much media so I had time before we had to be on the bus to head back to the airport. I had packed up and changed and walked out to see Christian talking to someone that I assumed was his Dad.

I saw Christian's face for a second and I saw how distressed he looked. I decided to jump in and stop this conversation.

"Hey, I'm Colby, you must be Christian's Dad," I said and stretched my hand out for him to shake.

He didn't take it and I dropped my hand.

"This is a conversation between me and my son. It doesn't include you," he said.

"You are wrong with that one. Christian has told me about you because I have a Dad who is exactly like you. He always tries to tear me down and you forget that you have an amazing son but you can't seem to appreciate that. Now until you learn how to be nice to your son we are going to leave you alone," I said.

Both Collins' men looked at me in shocked and I started to push Christian down the hallway towards the buses.



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