Chapter 55

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Third Person's POV

Since it was Colby's last season in the NFL ESPN was running a documentary about him. He was in the studio for filming with Clara, TJ, Blake, Christian, James, Matthew and Leon. All of them were talking together as the cameras were getting set up.

"So we are going to talk about Colby and his life so get out all the stories you have about him," the director said.

Colby looked away from all his friends as they started laughing at him. Colby had been in the NFL for years so there would be a lot of stories about him. Clara and Colby were seated first to talk about his life before college and before the NFL.

Some of the guys knew the things that Colby and Clara were going to talk but Colby was fine with them finding out the rest. TJ and Christian were the only ones that knew everything about this family but the others could take good guesses about it.

"What was your childhood like?" the interviewer, Chris, asked.

"Adam was only 11 months older than me so we were always competing. I think that that is why we never got along because we were too close in age. I wanted to be a cornerback because I wanted to pick off Adam and beat him. We were constantly competing and I found somewhere to be myself out on the field," Colby said.

"What was high school football like?" Chris asked.

"It was what gave me the work ethic. I didn't have many friends in high school so I spent most of my time out on the field. It gave me the work ethic because I was always out on the field. I was out on the field twice as long as anyone else and I'm glad because it got me this far."

"It is well known that you don't get along with your parents. What was your childhood like?"

Colby looked down and he was trying to blink tears back.

"My parents never liked me as much as they liked Adam and they made sure that I knew it. It was why I spent so much time out on the field because it kept me away from my family," Colby started.

He stopped talking because he was trying to choke back the tears. He looked down for a couple of minutes and Clara grabbed his hand before whispering something softly to him that no one else could hear.

"Sorry, it's hard it to talk about it. My parents and Adam liked to remind me that I was shit and it hard hear anyone say anything different. It still bothers me sometimes and no kids should ever have to hear that from anyone," Colby said, his voice slightly broken.

Chris only asked a few more questions about Colby and Clara at high school and it mostly focused on how Colby and Clara got to know each other and their relationship. James and Matthew swapped with the couple to talk about the time at Alabama.

Matthew could only talk about Colby's freshman year but James had been Colby's roommate for all four years there. They had a few funny stories but not as many as TJ, Blake and Christian who were next up as they all played for the Texans.

"What are the first things that you think of when you think of Colby?" Chris asked.

"First one, last one out," Christian said which made the other two laugh.

"There was one day and I thought that I was going to be the first one. I walked into the locker room to grab something and I say that Colby's shoes were in there. He was out on the field already," Blake laughed.

"He is very quiet though. It doesn't matter how well you know him he is quiet," TJ said.

"Colby is one of the nicest guys on the team. I was a rookie the year after him and he came out one day and saw me throwing alone. Everyone knows that Colby hates playing receiver but he offered to run routes for me and he continued to do it for me every single time that I ever wanted help," Christian said.

"He's lying. If Colby is the first one in then Christian is the second. Those two are out there working together every fucking day. They make everyone else look bad," Blake complained.

"He has never missed a game in his whole career. Have there been any games that he was injured?" Chris asked.

"There was this one game a couple of years ago and we were playing the Raiders. He got an interception but then his ankle got caught under someone. TJ and I helped him off the field and Coach told him to head into the locker room," Blake said.

"Colby wasn't happy with that and he was trying to convince Coach to let him play. I think that he got a bit sick of Colby so he told him that he could play the next series and he had to come off if something happened. The first play we were back on he was running down the field and he had to jump to bat the ball down. Everyone was watching him come down on his ankle but he still wouldn't come out and he played the rest of the game," TJ finished.

"Coach was trying to get Colby to not play the next game but we were playing the Saints and that meant that we were playing Adam and there was no way that Colby wasn't going to play. He put on a brave face all week and Coach told him that he would fine Colby if anything happened during the game. It was a good game and Colby played well. I have never seen such commitment," Christian added.

"Tell us about the pranks that you have pulled on Colby," Chris said and you could hear Colby groan from behind the cameras.

"The one that we put in the most work was my favourite but it took a lot of work," Blake started.

"So, Colby is red/green colour blind so we decided to have some fun with that. We painted the whole locker room red and green and moved everyone's lockers around and since the names were red on green Colby couldn't read them," Christian explained.

"So he was the last one in after training and he immediately noticed that all the lockers are in different places because usually he is next to me and I was on the other side of the room. He looked up at the names, took one look at all of us trying not to laugh and just left," TJ finished.

That got a laugh from everyone in the room even Colby. Leon had a couple of good stories as well and the interview wrapped it up. Everyone stood around for a few more minutes talking about Colby's long career.

There were a lot of stories about Colby and you could see how close he was with his teammates. The NFL was going to miss Colby Wood.


Out on the Field is over but there will be a sequel called Paint the Pictures up in the next couple of days. For you guys that read this yesterday I added a small scene in the middle.

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The Wise One

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