Chapter 5

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Colby's POV

Coach called us all together.

"Who was here at nine at night?" Coach asked.

I raised my hand and he raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged not wanted to explain in front of the whole team why I was here so late at night. We started a full game. Adam and I were on the same team this time and he started ordering people around.

Coach came over to me.

"What were you doing here last night?" Coach asked me.

"I had to get out of the house and I wanted to get my mind of things so I came down here and got some training done," I told him.

He nodded and headed off to talk to someone else. I didn't know what he thought of my late night training. I pulled my head into the game and walked onto the field. I hadn't talked to Dad about last night and he was going to be angry.

I would have rather been playing against Adam but it was still a good game. I was exhausted have lots of training the last two days and with a game tomorrow so I decided not to stay late. I packed up my bag and I looked up to see Clara looking at me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I was here with Dad last night when you were here. Your training is mental," she said.

"I want to go to a good college," I shrugged.

She wanted to say something else but I got up and walked away. My temper was very short at the moment and I wasn't going to make the mistake of yelling at Coach's daughter. I headed home and Dad was already sitting at the table with Mom.

I didn't bother going to my room because I was just going to get called down so I sat down opposite them.

"I told you Colby that I wanted you to be on your best behaviour and clearly you weren't" Dad started.

"I tried but when people tell me that I am shit I'm going to get angry," I told him.

"I told you to behave."

"I know but you also told your workmates that I am shit and I don't appreciate that so I don't think that I am going to listen to you complain about my behaviour," I snapped.

Adam had just walked in and I walked out of the kitchen making sure to slam the door. I walked into my room and slammed that door shut. I sat down on my bed and started my homework. Nobody come to talk to me and I had silence to do my homework.

Our teacher began telling us about our project that we would be doing in pairs.

"And you will be doing it with the person sitting next to you," she finished.

I mentally groaned because it meant spending more time with Clara. We had to do a project on cell biology.

"Are you free tomorrow?" she asked.

"I suppose, can we do it at your house?" I asked.

She nodded and we started to work. I didn't speak much and let her control the project. The bell rang and Clara headed off with her friends. I slowly packed up my stuff and left the class room. I headed to my next class and everyone else already had their textbooks out.

I took my seat and rested my head on the desk. I was tired of everything that was going on in my life and I didn't want to do a project with Clara. I didn't fall asleep but I wasn't really listening to my teacher either.

Calvin and I met outside the cafeteria and walked towards the football table.

"Ready for the game tonight?" I asked.

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