Chapter 29

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Clara's POV

Dad called Adam and Colby over before film review session on Sunday. He and I both knew that the brothers wouldn't have talked about it yet. A good team needs to have chemistry on the field and Colby doesn't get along with the team.

Colby arrived first which was a bit of a change and I was shocked when I opened the door. Colby was standing there and his jaw was purple.

"What happened to you?" I asked as I let him in.

He didn't get a chance to say anything because we walked into the office and Dad saw Colby. I'm guessing that he was thinking the same thing as me. Adam and Colby got into a fight. I also noticed that Colby's nose looked like it had been broken.

"What happened to you?" Dad asked.

"I got jumped by a couple of the receivers on Friday," he said.

Dad and I both wanted to tell him to tell the Police about it but I knew that Colby wouldn't want to do that. Adam came in a couple of minutes and it was obvious that he hadn't even seen Colby since Friday because he was also surprised by his face.

"Alright boys I called you two in early so we can talk about Friday," Dad said.

"There isn't much to say Coach. I just told the team why we had to wear the practice jerseys," Adam protested.

"You then told the team that Colby is damaged. That just mean and rude," Dad said.

"It doesn't really matter," Colby said from beside me.

We all turned to look at him in shock. I was surprised that he didn't really care what Adam told the team. Dad told that he almost decked Adam on Friday.

"Are you sure?" Dad asked.

"I mean it's not like he hasn't said it to me before. I'm going to be leaving soon and never coming back so I don't really care," he said softly.

I looked at Colby again and I was slightly concerned. There was something going on and I didn't know what it was. We stopped talking about it and the other two boys arrived and we started film review.

Colby was silent the whole time and he didn't contribute anything. Dad wasn't that pleased with the win because it was very close and it wasn't a great win. Colby was sitting beside me and had his who attention on the screen.

The game finished a couple of minutes later and the others all left. Dad figured that I wanted to talk to Colby alone so he didn't say anything when Colby and I headed up to my room. Colby was still silent and I opened the door to my room.

We sat on my bed in silence for a few minutes for a few minutes. We were both leaning against the headboard and I was leaning against him.

"What's really the matter?" I asked.

He didn't say anything for a minute and I let him think.

"I got used to being told those things by my family but it would always be at home and I've managed to ignore it. I guess hearing Adam tell the team. It made it more real it some ways," he admitted.

I didn't know what to say. Colby never seems to care that much and I think that it is hard for him to admit that it did hurt him.

"Sometimes you just have to remember that they aren't the people that have your best interest," I told him.

"I only have a couple of months left here and I don't see myself ever coming back," he said.

It suddenly brought to my attention something that I had been thinking about all break. They face that we were soon going to be going off to college.

"That was the other thing that I wanted to talk to you about," I said.

"What is it?"

"I got accepted to study medicine at UNC."

"That's amazing."

"But it is exactly eight hours and 46 minutes' drive to Alabama from UNC," I said.

He looked me straighten in the eye.

"We will make it work even if I drive there every time that I am able to," he honestly told me.

I nodded and it was comfortable to know that Colby wanted this too.

I headed towards the bus for the game on Friday afternoon. Our next playoff game was an away game and it was the semi-finals for the State competition. I took my usual seat next to Dad because Colby like to get ready and he preferred the silence.

The bus was loud but not as loud as after the game. I put my own headphones in as the bus started to move. Dad was moving seats to talk to different players about the game and what he wants them to do.

The guys were first off the bus and headed into locker room. I followed Dad off the bus and we stood in the parking lot for a couple of minutes to give the guys time to change. I headed out onto the field instead and I started to organise equipment.

The game was exciting and we were up by three at the end of the half. I didn't bother heading into the locker room so I sat down on the edge of the field as waited for the game to start again.

The team ran out and the defence was on the field first so I was watching Colby. This game was cleaner than the last game. I liked watching Colby play but I was always nervous that he might get injured.

The half dragged on at we came to be protecting a 7 point lead. Colby forced a fumble and that won as the game as the offense knelt down when they were back on the field. The guys were excited when they got off the field. The seniors were especially excited because it would mean they get one last game with this team.

Colby wrapped me in a tight hug and I pretended to push him back.

"You smell bad," I teased.

He just laughed and followed the rest of the team into the locker room. I waited for them on the bus and it was even louder than before. Everyone was talking and Colby joined me at the front of the bus.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I could see how tired he was and I let him sleep using me as a pillow. Colby drifted off to sleep and I started to talk to Dad who was sitting across the aisle.

"You ready for next week?" I asked.

"I think that it would be a good send off for the seniors," Dad said.

"I can't believe that I'm going off to college next year," I admitted.

"What are you and Colby going to do?"

"He is determined for us to work out so I'm hopeful that we will make it."

"He's good for you. I hope that you make it. Is he feeling better?"

I nodded. The bruises were mostly gone and he was more upbeat than he was the other day. I was glad for Colby because he really is a good guy and I really want us to make it.


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